9 IPRax 2004 , 339. Vgl . hierzu Juliana Mörsdorf - Schulte , Europäische Impulse für Namen und Status des Mehrstaaters , IPRax 2004 , 315 ff . zen , behandelt zu werden “ 10 . Dieses Ergebnis 159.
Internationales Privatrecht
Internationales Privatrecht
Internationales Privatrecht
Internationales Privatrecht
This major reform finds its parallels in the current efforts of the European Union to create a modern private international law regime for its member states.This volume presents the first comprehensive analysis of the new Japanese private ...
Civil procedure aspects, in national courts and arbitration proceedings, are also explored. This book provides a unique source of insights into the problems encountered and their possible solutions.
Collected courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
The Theory and Practice of Private International Law
The essays in this book, written in honour of Lennart Palsson, emeritus Professor of Public and Private International Law at the University of Lund, give a valuable insight into Nordic perspectives on a number of issues of great current ...
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923.