Die Studie wirbt um ein neues Verstandnis von Popularliteratur, indem sie aufzeigt, wie romances in einen gesellschaftlichen Prozess der Reproduktion kultureller Standardisierungen und des Erinnerns an historische Erfahrungen und Ereignisse eingebunden sind. Da der Erfolg der Serienliebesromane seit den 1970er Jahren mit der Internationalisierung des Buchmarktes einhergeht, erhebt sich die Frage, ob und wie ein standardisiertes und weltweit vermarktetes Genre als nationalkulturelles Gedachtnis fungieren kann. Der Vergleich britischer und nordamerikanischer romances zeigt, wie nationalkulturelle Details das Erzahlschema mit Leben erfullen und wie auf genrespezifische Weise an Geschehnisse der nationalen Vergangenheit wie den Vietnamkrieg oder die britischen Kolonialkriege erinnert wird.
Volume 1 of the Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke presents Burke's early literary writings up to 1765, and before he became a key political figure.
The Works of Aphra Behn: The fair jilt and other short stories
The Ruined Cottage: The Brothers Michael
The greatest quotes from Dickens...an essential reference book providing every notable and quotable passage or short comment by Dickens on a subject which interested the great author...encompassing all his work.
This volume contains more than 350 letters, the great majority of them previously unpublished, which are supplemented, as before, by scrupulous annotation and extensive cross-referencing; by a chronology covering the whole of Hardy's career ...
Ed. J. M. Robson. Intro. Alexander Brady. Toronto and Buffalo: U of Toronto P; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977. 213-310. . The Subjection of Women 1869. Essays on Equality, Law, and Education. Vol. 21 of Collected Works of John ...
Richard M. Dunn , Geoffrey Scott and the Berenson Circle : Literary and Aesthetic Life in the Early 20th Century 35. Gary Gautier , Landed Patriarchy in Fielding's Novels : Fictional Landscapes , Fictional Genders 36.
He was at one point tempted to join Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical movement, as Biely had done. When he met Steiner in March 1911, he explained what in the school attracted him, asking Steiner whether one could be a writer and a ...
... Thomas 186 , 327 Davies , John 101 Davis , Lennard 315 De Quincey , Thomas 139 de Saussure , Cesar 312 de Muralt , Béat Loyis 308 Deal , gentlewoman of 288–9 , 332–3 death attitudes to 1-2 debtors suicides by 131 , 273-4 Deathy ...
that none of our students were black, few were women, or that the values we "disinterestedly" discovered in Jane Austen or E. M. Forster were at least partly determined by racial, social, and sexual presuppositions.