A Contribution to the Typological Model of Biscriptality Per Ambrosiani The typological model of biscriptality proposed in the recently published collective monograph by Daniel Bunčić et al., Biscriptality. A Sociolinguistic Typology,1 ...
Biscriptality and its relation to the acquisition of (bi)literacy 2.1 Overview of previous research The acquisition of writing skills in both languages represents a challenge for bilingual children. First, languages can differ with ...
Adjucent to the term biscriptuality but yet distant is the term biscriptality as evolved by Bunčič (2016). Biscriptality is applied as a cover term for the “simultaneous use of two (or more) writing systems (including different ...
Specifically, biscriptality is defined as “the simultaneous use of two (or more) writing systems (including different orthographies) for (varieties of) the same language” (Bunčić 2016: 54). At the structural grapholinguistic level ...
8.1 Introduction: Issues of biscriptality The outward appearance of a language, although conceivable as a purely technical and functional element (corresponding to both the orthography and the writing system), is in reality the bearer ...
'History of Theoretical Research on Biscriptality'. In Daniel Bunčić et al. (eds), Biscriptality: A Sociolinguistic Typology. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 27–50. Chambers, Jack K. and Peter Trudgill. 1998. Dialectology.
In the volume on Biscriptality Daniel Bunćić calls this medial digraphia, that is, the choice of script depending on the medium it is used on.29 Apart from the neutral area of seal glyptics the one-on-one relation between script and ...
This book traces the development of European spelling systems in the early modern era, and is unique in bringing together several strands of historical research, across a diverse range of Germanic, Romance and Slavic languages, including ...
Achim Rabus Zweischriftigkeit bei den Karpatorussinen Abstract The study is concerned with describing and classifying selected aspects of biscriptality within the Carpatho-Rusyn speech community. In the past and present, ...
The six studies studies have shown that the constructions are differently sensitive to agent prominence.