As East Asia is entering the 21st Century, Japan, in reassessing its security environment and thus its strategic calculus, is on the verge of deploying latest jointly-researched theater missile defenses (TMD) to counter the threat of ballistic and cruise missiles. In parallel, the People's Republic of China is constantly modernizing its ballistic missile forces and is gearing up for a possible contingency with its self-proclaimed "high-tech adversaries". This work shows what drives Japan to deploy theater missile defenses and how the People's Republic of China is poised to be reacting to it.
SDI - Falle für Westeuropa: Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft im Schatten der Weltraumrüstung
“ Bel ” and , of course , “ decibel ” are derived from the “ Bell ” of the Canadian scientist Alexander Graham Bell . tA “ unit of objective sound loudness , measured in decibels above a reference of known frequency and intensity ...
After exploring the internal budgetary debates that will affect future Soviet decisions on BMD and space systems, the book outlines Soviet responses, political as well as military, to the Strategic Defense Initiative and concludes with ...
8 7 See . for example , Bradley Graham , Rumsfeld Pares Oversight of Missile Defense Agency , Washington Post , February 16 , 2002 , p . A2 ; Milligan , Susan . Critics Fault Rumsfeld For Cutting Oversight Of Antimissile Plan .
"China's approach to nuclear deterrence has been broadly consistent since its first nuclear test in 1964.
Fortress USSR: The Soviet Strategic Defense Initiative and the U.S. Strategic Defense Response
This book provides an overview of select issues and policies of the ballistic missile defence program.
A 2002 treaty signed by George Bush and Vladimir Putin calls for a reduction in operationally deployed nuclear weapons. Steven Weinberg argues that it will leave the world no safer.
Hypersonic missiles are not unstoppable. This CSIS report argues how numerous efforts tailored to exploit key vulnerabilities of the hypersonic flight regime can make hypersonic defense a tractable problem.
"As the time approaches for what could well be President Clinton's decision to deploy a national missile defense, this report reviews where the current program and policies are taking the nation.