"This book makes an extraordinary contribution to broadening and deepening understanding of the complex range of relations in modern peacekeeping operations, including interactions between national contingents and their respective chains of command and their relations with other contingents in the field, as well as with regional authorities, scores of NGOs, and the Its findings help to identify ""points of tension"" in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where, for the first time, contingents from more than 35 countries had to cooperate, each of which had their own, quite different, This volume provides both descriptive and analytical insights based upon these experiences that are applicable to contemporary international peacekeeping operations all over the world. J. Callgahan, H. Born, T. op den Buijs, Ad Vogelaar, E. Johansson, B. Boene, J. Y. Yanakiev, I. A.Razumtsev. "
The valley of Studeno Polje is a magical little place, tucked behind the summer shepherd village of Gradina near Umoljani, and there have been several initiatives to start ecotourism in this area – Green Visions (page 89) is a regular ...
“International Authority and State Building: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Global Governance: A Review of ... “Anti-Corruption Strategies and Democratization in BosniaHerzegovina. ... Ethnopolitics 5, no. 1 (2006): 85-99.
Democracy in the Making: Lessons Learned from Bosnia and Herzegovina
... la Croatie et la Grande- Bretagne ont été largement déterminées par des facteurs géostratégiques , et en particulier par la perception de la Grande ... la guerre en Croatie en 1991 qui a conduit à son indépendance » . Carole Hodge ...
An account of one journalist's experience from 1992-93 of the conflict in Bosnia, this work is an attempt to come to terms with the overwhelming questions that are provoked by witnessing the destruction of a nation.
Quiet Flows the Una is the story a man trying to overcome the personal trauma caused by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995.