This book testifies to the fact that the embodiment of ideas of partnership can occur in many ways. Contributors from South Africa and Germany engage in a search for identities in othernesses and for common ground beyond the divide. Seventeen contributions address a variety of partnership-related issues, ranging from ecumenical hermeneutical foundations to practical applications. Andrea Frchtling is teacher in Celle, Germany. Ndanganeni Phaswana is a bishop in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa-Central Diocese.
Build that Bridge
Reminiscence, Reflection, Reassurance
Separated Brethren: Relative to the Roman Catholic Decree on Ecumenism "we Must Come to Understand the Outlook of Our Separated...
This fact prevents sharp social conflicts but it also places the nation in the grave peril of a too uncritical devotion to the principles of classical liberalism. Therefore it may deal too tardily with the problem of adequate ...
Ökumene, Medizin, Ethik. Gesammelte Aufsätze, München 1986, 301-315. Ders., Der Richtwert ökumenischer „Großthemen“ und das Wächteramt des DÖSTA, in: ÖR 45 (1996), 415-431. Ders., Theorie und Konkretion in der ökumenischen Theologie.
This study presents the first comprehensive analysis of Seventh-day Adventist interchurch relations - a 20-million member body whose ecumenical stance has so far been underresearched.
Dansk økumenisk bibliografi 1910-1974: med et udvalg af nordisk litteratur
... sentido mais diretamente ético , cf. , p . ex . , BOFF , Leonardo . Jesus Cristo Libertador . Ensaio de Cristologia Crí- tica para o nosso Tempo [ 1972 ] . 13 ... igreja em perspectiva ecumênica Existe " a igreja 132 Confiança e Convivência.
... Friedenskirche? Eine Friedenskirche ist eine Kir- che, die berufen ist, für das Evangelium vom Frieden, das in Jesus ... Ökumene. Mennonitische Wurzeln einer Ethik der Gewaltfreiheit, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2003. 168 Vgl. Enns ...
Opening with a short biography of Newbigin and a discussion of his major theological and missiological themes, the volume sets selected readings in context with brief introductions and offers suggestions for further reading from Newbigin's ...