Über das Genre: Frederick Michael Keener: Shades of Lucian: British Dialogues of the Dead in the Eighteenth Century, NY, Columbia Univ., Diss., 1965. Siehe ebenso Thomas Francklins Biographie Lucian (1780), die – sicherlich von Lukianos ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
... Fiktion als Fiktion zu erkennen ge- ben muß. Als Kulturtechnik muß die Fiktion immer vollkommen sein, denn nur die vollkommene Fiktion kann die Illusion des Faktischen in der Literatur wecken.) Biographische Fiktionen können auch danach ...
Some Reminiscences
Reproduction of the original: Rasputin the Rascal Monk by William Le Queux
... biographische Re- konstruktion “ ) und Einfühlung ( „ psychographische Imagination “ ) ist zum zen- tralen Wertungskriterium für biographische Neuerscheinungen geworden . In den letzten Jahren setzt sich die internationale Forschung zur ...
Alice Breon crafts an engaging memoir that takes readers to a bittersweet nostalgic journey in Green Gravy, Monster Bread and Other Adventures, an engaging and delicately written autobiography told in short vignettes.
This book, although a work of fiction, is faithful to the movements of the brigade, including its detachment to Bragg’s command and the resultant battle at Chickamauga.
Napoleon the Little
This melancholy spirit is as stable as the moon which inhabits the sky. The spirited lady being described is the historian of her generation. This book is about her childhood which molded her in to a great lady.
the crowd of players and curious onlookers standing around the table was still circling about him , like people riding on a merry - go - round - and someone began to tug at his sleeve - a gentleman with a squashed , clean - shaven face ...