Récit. contemporain. : nature. et. fonction. du. syncrétisme. religieux. dans. les. romans. polynésiens. Dans les romans d'auteurs polynésiens contemporains francophones ou anglophones, on constate un recours très fréquent à ce qu'il ...
4 From J. J. Allen's research on the Principe ( 1983 , 113-15 ) and Richard Hosley's study of the second Blackfriars ( 1970 , 74-88 ) it seems that the acting space provided by both theaters was very similar in size : that is ...
In : ders . ( Hrsg . ) : Clemens Brentano . Beiträge des Kolloquiums am freien deutschen Hochstift 1978. Tübingen 1980 , S. 135-162 , hier bes . S. 137 , 140f , Zitat S. 141 ) . Diese Feststellung entspringt einer vom ...
Dorrit Cohn s essay , " Freud s Case Histories and the Question of Fictionality , " in Telling Facts : History and Narrative in Psychoanalysis ( Baltimore : Johns ...
The Ideal Ruler as Intertext in 1--2 Chronicles and the Cyropaedia [microform]
Das Diktum vom " rhetorische ( n ) prachtstück gelehrter geschmacklosigkeit ” 3 wurde zur Formel , mit der der meist ins ... 2 Allerdings lagen 1849 nur die Prager Fragmente von A und der höfische “ Herzog Ernst ” D publiziert vor .
Sygkritikē grammatologia: kritikē eisagōgē
Pengenalan kritis: kesusasteraan bandingan
... Stefan 47 More, Thomas 226 Moretti, Franco 7, 9, 15, 17, 59–60, 62–68, 87, 114, 116, 152–155, 267, 277, 292, 316–317 Morgan, M. R. 32 Mörike, Eduard 168 Morrison, Toni 368 Moulton, Richard 7 Mpe, Phaswane 53 Mrak, Ivan 304 Mugerli, ...
On her honeymoon Woolf read four or five novels, including, in just one sitting, Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment (Lee 323). Nigel Nicolson, son of Vita Sackville-West, in his book about his parents, Portrait of a Marriage, ...
St John of the Cross , Poems of St John of the Cross with a translation by Roy Campbell ( London , 1960 ) , Sidney , Sir Philip , The Poems of Sir Philip Sidney , ed . W. A. Ringler , jr . ( Oxford , 1962 ) . Sidney , Sir Philip and The ...