Das Jahrbuch ORDO ist seit uber 50 Jahren ein Zentralort der wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskussion aus dem Konzept der Marktwirtschaft und des Wettbewerbs heraus. Durch dieses Jahrbuch wurde der Begriff Ordoliberalismus zum festen Begriff. Er steht fur ein Grundkonzept, das erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, eine freiheitliche Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ohne Dominanz von Staatseingriffen und das Recht auf personliche Verantwortung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in einem unaufloslichen Zusammenhang sieht."
... ordo ordini , non homo homini praelatus vi- deretur ) . The only men to be selected without having held a magistracy ... 62 Cod . Theod . 9.45.5 . 63 Cod . Theod . 8.9.1 , D. , 15 ; cf. Cohen 1975 , 271 n . 6 , 275 n . 6. The ordo ...
... Ordo 61. 107 BK Ordo 65. books on adultery are assigned to the Sabinian committee to. 108 BK Ordo 86. 109 BK Ordo 52-56, 64-66. 110 BK Ordo 168. 111 BK Ordo 169; Mantovani (above n. 4) 97. 112 BK Ordo 62; Mantovani (above n. 4) 92. 115 BK ...
Drawing a detailed map of the mixed regulatory landscape of 'hard' and 'soft' laws, official, unofficial, direct and indirect modes of regulation, rules, recommendations and principles as well as exploring the concept of governance through ...
Vivat rex .N. in R. Amen. sempitemurn. sempiternum. R.Amen. et venit onmis populus ad osculandum principem sempitemum. Et confirmabitur cum Tune confirmabitur cum Tunc confirmabitur cum benedictione ista. benedictionc omni populo in ...
... ordo for the first scrutiny ended simply with the rubric : ' ANTEQUAM ... 62 All are communicated , and then , something key happens , the priest ... 62 Ibid . , p.65 : Et dicit sacerdos orationem super oblata . Infra actionem uero ...
... 62 coadunares eth catholice fidei perseverabilitati connectii . 61 The concordance of C with B , D , H , and I in ... ordo , and here C , like the stemma's lost MS x3 , simply omits a passage that was out of order in the earliest form of the ...
The prominent these circumstances , no powerful consort clan arose . part played by the first empress during her ... she maintained her regency until her death which 27F City ( modern Tung - ching City ) , had been occurred in the ...
... order 115 , 181 marketing , influence of 62 Marxism 29 , 51 , 128 , 155 , 161 , 174-5 , 177 , 242 , 293 , 344 , 421 “ mass ” society 62 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) 259–60 , 343-4 “ mass - man ” , concept of 157 ...
... ordo, 62–63, 74, 96, 97, 98m 58, 130, 148 order of worship, 40, 73, 130–40 Our World Belongs to God, 11n'51, 23–24 Padilla, Rene, 36–37 parish, 56–57, 115, 162, 191 Pohl, Christine, 28, 163–65, 167 post-Christendom, 4–5, 16, 33, 41–42 ...
... ordo 62. bibis a . [ 60. in quo a . dirigis a C. 66. disciteque o Augustin . Civ . D. 2. 6 : disciteque o , discite et o miseri causas : discite o a C , Schol . 67. gignimus a . ] asunder from all points of the compass ? Have you. 60 65 ...