The Baltic Sea Region, at the crossroads between East and West, North and South, has long been marked by cultural, ethnical and ideological borders. Overcoming a history of conflict and separation, since the end of the Cold War the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea established widely valued formats of regional cooperation based on shared challenges and opportunities. In comparison with larger regions, however, the Baltic Sea Area is still a blank spot on the global map. This volume's intention is to fill this spot with colour and facts. It provides students, young researchers and other interested parties with basic knowledge of the region. The volume offers a comprehensive introduction into its history, politics, economy and culture, taking into account the various countries' commonalities and differences. By introducing concepts of regionalism and region-building, as well as analysing the structures of regional cooperation the authors and editors demonstrate the Baltic Sea Area's model function as a European macro-region.--Back cover.
Regionalization Around the Baltic Rim: Notions on Baltic Sea Politics
Environmental science: understanding, protecting and managing the environment in the Baltic Sea region
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT World Bank (2000): 'World Development Indicators. The World Bank, Washington ... Employee Ownership in Polish Privatisations. ... Working Document, European Training Foundation The NEBI Yearbook 2000.
This archival guide is an essential research tool for scholars studying these Baltic connections, providing descriptions of almost 1000 archival collections concerning trade, shipping, merchants, commodities, diplomacy, finances and ...
Zur Konstruktion einer Region: die Entstehung der Ostseekooperation zwischen 1988 und 1992
The Challenge of Mobility in the Baltic Sea Region
Karlskrona 2000; Janis Kreslins/ Steven A. Mansbach/Robert Schweitzer (red.): Gränsländer. Östersjön i ny gestalt. Stockholm 2003; Alan Palmer: Northern Shores – A History ofthe Baltic Sea and its ...
Changes, Challenges and Chances: Conclusions and Perspectives of Baltic Sea Area Studies
1800 urbanisation process during this century.24The structural change of the Russian so- ciety might have been a product of an ... 24 G. Rozman, Urban Networks in Russia, 1750-1800, and Premodern Periodization (Princeton 1976) pp.
... QSB+), where the optimal X values and alternative scenarios will be calculated. It is also possible to perform calculations manually by the Simplex method, however it can be considered time consuming and unpractical. The post ...