Great financial disasters are not a new phenomenon. Probably the first well documented financial disaster was the so-called Tulipmania in the Netherlands in the 1630s, some 300 years before the Wall Street crash. At the end of the twentieth century a similar phenomenon occurred. This time it has taken the form of shares in companies trading on the Internet (i.e. new technology), the so-called dotcom companies. These events had one thing in common; they were spawned by the new technology of the time and fed by that one great human failing - the triumph of hope over reality, which some people would call simple greed. They illustrate also those other two great human failings - the inability to learn from history and forgetting/ignoring things one already knows. This book is intended to assist students of banking and finance. Its aim is to complement all those other textbooks that have been written on these subjects by illustrating how events can conspire to render all the wonderful theory quite worthless. When panics occur in the world financial markets banks and similar institutions can sometimes be caught unawares and find themselves victims of events that are beyond their control. However, in almost all the circumstances described in this book the signs of impending doom have usually been apparent for some time for anybody who wished to see them. The saying there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see cannot be truer than under these circumstances.aReiheNeue Betriebswirtschaftliche Studienbcher - Band 21"
Understanding Business Cycles Todd A. Knoop. affect the economy by reducing the demand for credit and investment , which in turn reduces only aggregate demand . These New Keynesian models , and many more not covered in the brief ...
In the past decade, a series of EU countries have witnessed absorption booms and growing current account deficits as a result of falling risk premia and rapid financial integration.
Alan L. Sorkin. the downward or contraction phase of the cycle was more severe and of longer duration. Economic series such as new orders for durable goods, new building permits, or new unemployment insurance claims are leading ...
Privateigentum, Geld und Krise: Diskussionsbeitr. zur ökonom.-theoret. Fundierung d. demokrat. Sozialismus
Industrial Restructuring, Financial Instability, and the Dynamics of the Postwar U.S. Economy
The Fourth Wave examines the ways business has changed in the Second and Third Waves and describes ways it must continue to change in the Fourth.
Jubilee on Wall Street: An Optimistic Look at the Coming Financial Crash
The work covers post-Keynesian, neo-Marxian and institutionalist approaches, as well as most orthodox theories.
本书分别介绍了"核心问题已经解决", 未鉴之警:拉美的危机, 日本的困境, 亚洲的崩溃, 反常的政策, 宇宙的主宰, 格林斯潘的泡沫, 影子银行, 千恐万惧一齐来, 萧条经济学的回归等.