"The twelve lectures which make up the present volume were delivered during the spring of 1925 at the University of Paris."--Preface.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This is a project of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), the worldwide organizing body for the scientific study of social insects.
Because of this important consideration, the authors' work has consequences not only for entomology but also for general evolutionary theory.
McHugh watched the as-yet-unidentified Bolivian Prepopharus larval pack break up when food on the log became scarce and then eventually regroup to pupate in one place. By what mechanism do they regroup, and why?
In this book internationally known experts provide a comprehensive view of current knowledge of social insect biology including much previously unpublished information.
This book consists of eight chapters, which mostly deal with the sociality of insects and other aspects. The first chapter provides an introduction to the subject of insect sociality.
Because of this important consideration, the authors' work has consequences not only for entomology but also for general evolutionary theory.
This book analyzes for the first time how parasites shape the biology of social insects: the ants, wasps, bees, and termites. Paul Schmid-Hempel provides an overview of the existing knowledge of parasites in social insects.
In more detail than has previously been available, this book comprehensively covers all the various mechanisms of caste differentiation in social insects.
Claire Detrain, Jean-Louis Deneubourg and Jacques Pasteels Studies on insects have been pioneering in major fields of modern biology.