Inhaltsangabe: Abstract: The information economy, the current demographical trends and other factors will produce a shortage of skilled labour. During the last decade, many labour markets had encountered a shortage of skilled labour. In fact, whole industries have had serious problems to fill vacancies. Many have forecast horror scenarios for the labour market, whereas others have created strategic concepts to cope with it. The War for Talent and the Employer of Choice concept are leftovers of this period. Employee attraction and retention will continue to be an important issue for many companies in the beginning of the 21st century. The new up-coming competition for talent draws the attention on a new concept, in order to deal with the future challenge - employer branding. Employer branding has moved center stage in the last two years. The strategic relevance of employer branding is still underestimated or unknown. Employer branding is neither a wonder cure nor a cure-all approach. This thesis and chapters provide an insight in the employer branding concept and its relevance. What does employer branding means, where does it stem from? It also contains a practical guide for developing and implementing an employer branding process, with a short case study of global chemical company. Do you remember the scenario published in McKinseys Quarterly in 1998? The War for Talent - this expression has become synonymous for the labour shortage of High Potentials. The economy was burning white-hot in the late 1990s and companies were scrambling to hire and retain the people they needed. With a boom, talent becomes scarcer because everybody is looking for talented people to fill vacancies. In the late 1990s the employer of choice concept became popular, when the war for talent was about to begin. The term employer of choice is based on the unwritten promises and expectations that develop the basis of the employment relationship. The collapse of the industry,"