Ensuring the effective right to privacy regarding the gathering and processing of personal data has become a key issue both in the internal market and in the international arena. The extent of one's right to control their data, the implications of the "right to be forgotten", the impact of the CJEU's decisions on personality rights, and recent defamation legislation are shaping a new understanding of data protection and the right to privacy. This book explores these issues with a view to assessing the status quo and prospective developments in this area of the law which is undergoing significant changes and reforms. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Burkhard Hess is Director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, Professor at the Universite du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, and the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Dr. Cristina M. Mariottini, LL.M. is a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law.
Most bilateral investment treaties deal with the risks created by such investment by ... from the other “[s]ubject to its right to exercise 73 Vandevelde, ...
6.96 Plummer v IRC (1988)... 6.39, 6.58 Po, The (1991)... 2.34 Pocket Kings Ltd v Safenames Ltd (2010). . . 3.42 Polly Peck International plc (in administration) (No4), Re (1998)... 2.260 Polly Peck International plc v Nadir (1992).
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law
9 IPRax 2004 , 339. Vgl . hierzu Juliana Mörsdorf - Schulte , Europäische Impulse für Namen und Status des Mehrstaaters , IPRax 2004 , 315 ff . zen , behandelt zu werden “ 10 . Dieses Ergebnis 159.
(Czech Republic), Mr. David Goldberg, Partner at White & Case LLP (United Kingdom), Dr. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz, President of Lewiatan Court of Arbitration and Managing Partner at GESSEL Law Firm (Poland), Dr. Crenguta Leaua ...
... to the cause of action may bring the action within such times as are before limited after the return of the absent person to the province.106 It would seem that the statute is not 101 Huber v . Steiner , supra , note 99 ; Harris v .
This research review discusses an important selection of research articles and papers on the cross-border enforcement of intellectual property rights.
To help readers come to grips with the necessity of approaching the subject from a transnational perspective, this book surveys the best available U.S. and foreign cases, statutes, and commentaries covering global Internet Law developments.
John E. Montgomery , Professor of Law , University of South Carolina . PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY , Third Edition ( 1984 ) , with 1984 Selected National Standards Supplement Thomas D. Morgan , Dean of the Law School , Emory University ...
The Conflict of Laws