Er ging aber ganz hinten in den Saal. »Uff!« seufzte ich hörbar. Herr Heinichen schaute lachend zu mir auf. »Zuerst was?« »›Lenz‹ – ach, mir ist's furchtbar wurstig.« »Also ›Lenz‹.« »Bitte die 1 1⁄2 Takte f ganz schnell spielen.
Working and Mothering: A Study of 97 Jewish Career Women with Three Or More Children
Replete with Torah hashkafah, practical tips, inspirational stories, and real-life examples, this book will help you gain an understanding of the true role of the Jewish woman.
Leveling the Playing Field: Advancing Women in Jewish Organizational Life
An inside look at the experiences of Jewish women who use traditional mikvehs--ritual baths used to achieve purity--conveys these women's thoughts on what the mikveh means to them; how it fits in with their attitude toward religion; and its ...
The Jewish Communities of Medieval England: The Collected Essays of R.B. Dobson
This was followed by a question about obedience. Again, her father answered for her, "A woman must obey God, her father and then her husband." What was this? Gloria angrily thought to herself. A religious game of twenty questions?
All for the Boss: The Life and Impact of R' Yaakov Yosef Herman, a Torah Pioneer in America : an...
Offers detailed profiles of fifty Jewish women who have played a key role in world history, including women from every walk of life, from biblical figures to modern-day activists, including Ruth, Anne Frank, Betty Friedan, Gold aMeir, Emma ...
Her search leads to confront the dark resurgence of fascism, countered by the Jewish community in street battles around Ridley Road in the East End of London. Amid the growing tensions, can her love survive?
An in-depth look at the lives of religious Jewish women in Jerusalem at a transitional moment in its history.