Seth Siegelaub: Better Read Than Dead: Writings and Interviews 1964-2013

Seth Siegelaub: Better Read Than Dead: Writings and Interviews 1964-2013
Art museums
Walther Konig Verlag
Seth Siegelaub


"Better Read Than Dead" was the title Seth Siegelaub had chosen for an anthology of his own writing-one of the projects for which he never found the time, busy as he was running his global one-man operation. The selected writings, interviews, extended bibliography and chronology in this source book fill historical gaps in the sprawling network of exhibitions, publications, projects, and collections that constitute Siegelaub's life's work. "Siegelaubian paperwork" comprises Siegelaub's writings, which are reproduced as scans in order to convey the variety of the documents and to give a sense of archival immersion. Interspersed with these "writings" are interviews and talks, several newly transcribed. The majority of interviews from 1969-1972 are reprinted here.

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