1 Pearson correlation coefficient with number of patents. ***Indicates significance at 0.01. Source: own calculations. (a) Whole networks (b) Largest components is nothing more than the normalised degree. It is hence.
Table of Contents
This book focuses on exploring the relationship between spin-outs from incumbents and the patterns of innovation in general purpose technology.
This book examines the long term economic growth that has raised the West's material living standards to levels undreamed of by counterparts in any previous time or place.
Economists examine the genesis of technological change and the ways we commercialize and diffuse it.
In this book, Adam Thierer argues that if the former disposition, “the precautionary principle,” trumps the latter, “permissionless innovation,” the result will be fewer services, lower-quality goods, higher prices, diminished ...
This book examines the nature and workings of markets for intermediate technological inputs.
In making its case, The Politics of Innovation draws upon statistical analysis and comparative case studies of the United States, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Turkey, ...
Highlighting the importance of innovations, firm-sponsored training, and recruitment of high-skilled workers, this book analyses why and to what extent firms differ in their capabilities to make ICT work productively.
Commissioned and brought tohgether for the research project by the world-renowned Council on Foreign Relations, the authors have produced an important compendia in applied economics.
This is the first book that analyzes both the inside and outside of the black box using a general equilibrium framework.