With articles by Symeon Symeonides, Ronald A. Brand, Andrea Bonomi, national reports from Korea, Bulgaria and Slovenia and news from The Hague and Brussels as well as texts, materials and recent developments.
THERMEC'2003: International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
... Michele Elia David Eppstein Leah Epstein Thomas Erlebach Javier Esparza Kousha Etessami Rolf Fagerberg Rainer Feldmann Mike Fellows Stefan Felsner Paolo Ferragina Mauro Ferrari Afonso Ferreira Irene Finocchi Camillo Fiorentini Guido ...
X-ray timing allows us to probe the behavior of matter in intense gravitational fields close to black holes and neutron stars and also to see X-rays emitted from the surface...
The Criminal Justice Act 2003 promises to be one of the most significant pieces of British criminal legislation for many years. It contains a number of highly controversial measures which...
This series implements an efficient and effective learning model, which enhances critical thinking skills and provides students and faculty with complete application coverage.
Application of Fracture Mechanics in Failure Assessment--2003: Presented at the 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference : Cleveland, Ohio,...
This gets even more complicated, if the involved activities aren't simply executed in a consecutive manner but are spanning a tree of dependencies or are workflows themselves. A lot of good concepts and ideas have been elaborated over ...
However, an overestimation or an underestimation of the PISA 2003 results of X points on the PISA scale will have a different impact on the percentages of students at each proficiency level for each country. If the percentage is small, ...
In Dieter Qing, Dieter Gollmann, and Jianying Zhou, editors, Information and Communications Security, 5th International Conference, ICICS 2003, InnerMongolia 10-13 October, 2003, Proceedings, volume 2836 of Lecture Notes in Computer ...
Identification of the dimensions of the communications space has the additional advantage that many possibilities for communication organizations become evident by their place in the space. If, in some sense, a communication abstraction ...