2007 was arguably the most extraordinary year in recent memory for the development of Private International Law. Reflecting the vitality and fluidity of a subject that is in constant motion, Volume IX of the Yearbook of Private International Law is again a very rich and multi-faceted book. An entire thematic section of this volume is devoted to the "Rome II" Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations, which was adopted by the EC institutions in July 2007. Being the first EC regulation on pure applicable law issues, this text opens up a new era in the process of creating a European PIL system. It deserved therefore a detailed commentary and analysis of its main provisions by experts from several EU States. Because of the interest that this European text presents for third party States, some distinguished scholars from non-European areas (the US, Japan, Latin America and Australia) were also asked to express their views on this important piece of Community legislation and the possible influence it may have on conflict developments in their respective countries and regions.
Summarizes important legal cases dealing with the Constitution, judicial power, war powers, federalism, taxes, state economic regulation, due process, and executive power
Morris also sees that the great risks associated with selective incapacitation ... and Hain , 1982 ) ; Wright Williams and Kent S. Miller , “ The Role of Personal Characteristics in Perceptions of Dangerousness , " Criminal Justice and ...
See Ball , Rosen , Flueck , and Nurco , “ Lifetime Criminality of Heroin Addicts ” ; Ball , Shaffer , and Nurco , “ The Day - to - Day Criminality ” ; John W . Shaffer , David N . Nurco , and Timothy W . Kinlock , " A New Classification ...
A Reference Guide Donald E. Lively. stitution's meaning . ... The president's disappointment in Warren was not entirely warranted and was certainly not a basis for claimed betrayal . Eisenhower had nominated Warren as chief justice less ...
[iv/v] ISBN: 978-1-5791-1164-9 (eBook) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Andersen, Roger W. Skills & values—trusts and estates / Roger W. Andersen, Karen E. Boxx. p. cm. ISBN 978-1-4224-2698-2 (softbound) 1.
See , e.g. , Sterling v . Interlake Indus . , Inc. , 154 F.R.D. 579 , 587 ( E.D.N.Y. 1994 ) . However , where a party's failure to disclose experts is inexcusable , courts will take the " drastic remedy ” to exclude the experts .
Robson , R. ( 1992 ) . Lesbian ( out ) law : Survival under the rule of law . New York : Firebrand Books Publications . Schilt , R. , G.W. Lie , and M. Montague ( 1990 ) . Substance use as a correlate of violence in intimate lesbian ...
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
(Carl Heymann) 2004 KNOEPFLER François / SCHWEIZER Philippe / OTHENIN-GIRARD Simon, Droit internationalprivé suisse, 3e éd., Berne (Staempfli) 2005 KOCH Harald / MAGNUS Ulrich / WINKLER VON MOHRENFELS Peter, IPR und Rechtsvergleichung ...
Collison , Cathy , 23 Colwell , Alan , 197 Coulson , Noel J. , 104 , 108 , 120 , 156 Cunneen , Chris , 299–302 D ... 122 , 139 , 237 Davidson , Robert , 245–47 del Frate , Anna Alvazzi , 38 Deloria , Vine Jr. , 94 Devine , F. E. , 13-15 ...