Die Neue Secession in Berlin bestand von 1910 bis 1914 und war wesentlich an der Etablierung des Expressionismus in Deutschland beteiligt. Als Gegenorganisation zu der von Max Liebermann geführten Berliner Secession wurde die Neue Secession 1910 auf Initiative des Malers Georg Tappert gegründet. In ihren sieben Ausstellungen präsentierte sie bis 1914 dem teilweise schockierten Publikum Werke Berliner Expressionisten wie Moriz Melzer, Heinrich Richter-Berlin und Cesar Klein, Arbeiten der berühmten Mitglieder der Künstlervereinigung Brücke und der Künstler des späteren Blauen Reiters sowie zahlreicher Maler und Bildhauer aus anderen deutschen Städten, aus Tschechien als auch aus Frankreich. Diese Publikation zeigt rund 100 der damals ausgestellten Werke und beleuchtet stellt erstmals Geschichte und Bedeutung dieser Künstlergruppe dar. Exhibition:Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin (2.4-3.7.2011).
Designed by the artist himself, this large format hardback book is visually exciting and unites high quality images with incisive interpretations by the author and other guest writers.The images represented in this book were created in New ...
Heaven and Blood: Painting and Drawing by Alan Pearson 1959-1999
About the Series: Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Art series features: a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance a concise biography approximately 100 ...
MAX KAUS 1891-1977 Although he trained as a decorative painter at the School of Applied Arts in Berlin - Charlottenburg and spent time in Paris , Kaus experienced his most valuable artistic education in the most unlikely of places : the ...
In England and Italy Pearson re-visited beloved painters from the Baroque and Rococo periods, those influences, combined with his natural vibrant Expressionism, inspire this series of bravura paintings."--Publisher description.
Under the influence of the most modern metropolis in Europe, during the years between 1912 and 1915 the artist created works whose exaggerated and condensed styl e could be regarded as a true metaphor for the attitude to life during the ...
Close to the Surface: The Expressionist Prints of Edvard Munch and Richard Bosman
Edvard Munch: Signs of Modern Art assesses the significance of Munch's oeuvre as a highly independent contribution to Modern art, drawing on more than 100 paintings, as well as 60 drawings and prints.
Expressionnistes allemands: oeuvres graphiques
Van Gogh and His Art