Writings on Cy Twombly

Writings on Cy Twombly
Art / Individual Artists / Essays
Prestel Pub
Robert Motherwell


Cy Twombly was one of the most unusual and intriguing artists of our time. In his paintings, drawings and sculptures, powetry and an extraordinary aesthetic sensitivity combine with references to ancient mythology and the experiences of the modern individual. Published in 2002, this volume assembles more than forty writings on Cy Twombly starting with his first solo exhibition in 1951: poems, philosophical and scholarly essays, as well as comments by fellow artists form an anthology that relates the history of culture in the second half of the 20th century. Edited by Nicola del Roscio, it includes writings by Roland Barthes, Arthur C. Danto, Charles Olson, Robert Motherwell, Octavio Paz, Robert Rauschenberg, Pierre Restany, David Sylvester, Kirk Varnedoe and many more. Beautifully illustrated with the artist's most important works, this large-size volume is literally the "textbook" to understanding this most fascinating contemporary artist.

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