Discover The Power Of Communication And Master The #1 Leadership Skill To Success... Are you 100% aware of your character traits and how they influence your leadership? Have you ever run into miscommunication issues with the team you lead? On a scale from 1-10, how good would you rate your communication skills? If your answer is not 10, you've already left money on the table. Effective communication is an integral element of professional success. No matter if you define success through profit or impact, every leader needs to apply certain skills to properly get their message across. Unfortunately, you are not born as someone like Tony Robbins who can motivate hundreds of people to change their lives through the message he spreads. First of all, he wasn ́t born with this skill either. And second of all, no one else is. Effective communication is a soup of psychological insights, simple nonverbal and verbal tools to successfully deliver, receive and understand an intended message. If you know how to eat the soup, you ́ll be able to erase all kinds of drama from your workplace and only focus on creating profit and positive impact. Fortunately, good communication skills are not written in your DNA. They are an easily attainable skill set that can be learned faster than you think... ...if you know where and how to start. In "Communication in the Workplace", you ́ll discover: How to speak a language that no one will ever misunderstand How to increase your likeability as a leader without losing your authority How to create a team of warriors who love to fight for your ideas How to skyrocket your sales and hack your customer's brain How to overcome communication barriers even if you have to deal with the most difficult people How to ask the right questions and never fear not getting a response The 93% that is responsible for effective communication (hint: not your words) How to become a master in public speaking and own the stage like Tony Robbins And much more! Effective communication is not only a way to deal with conflicts. Even if you have a great relationship with all your team members, you most likely still lack in client relationships, profitability or engagement. Integrating effective communication tools into your messages will help your business to survive tough times and give a step up in good times. Be proactive and prepare yourself before you fall into the communication trap of leadership. If you want to know how to deliver, send and receive messages in the leader role, then check out this book right now!
This book is designed to enlighten business owners, managers, supervisors, and employees about the barriers of effective communication in the workplace, what causes them, and how they can be overcome.
Effective communication promotes business growth in terms of turnover and also makes the brand more visible.This book explores the importance of effective communication in the workplace and also provides actionable tips in improving ...
This edition retains the subject matter strengths of the previous version and augments them with content that reflects new understandings of interpersonal communications, new communication technologies, and new organizational practices that ...
Topics include definition of communication; types of communication; collecting information to aid in your job; deadlines, communicating ideas; effective listening skills; and written communication.
blind: Conflict escalation into workplace bullying and the role of distributive conflict behavior. Journal of Business Ethics ... In R. West & C. S. Beck (Eds.) The Routledge handbook of communication and bullying. New York: Routledge ...
Within this book you will find: ◆ The definition of service orientation and why it is a preferred personality trait in the workplace ◆ How to listen effectively and communicate that you are listening effectively. ◆ How to identify and ...
Communication for business and the professions: Strategies and skills. Melbourne: Pearson. Emery, J. (2019). Leading for organizational change: Building purpose, motivation and belonging. Chi ester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Fren , ...
"Buy the paperback version of this book and get the kindle book version for free" Do you know that the first cause of relationship failure is the lack of communication?
Shows employees how to better communicate and boost their morale to achieve greater understanding and success in the workplace.
This succinct and enlightening overview is a required reading for all those interested in the subject . We hope you find this book useful in shaping your future career & Business.