"This book on labyrinths is wonderful! It enlarges the traditional catalog of labyrinths so much and so well, being itself labyrinthine," remarked Jean-Luc Nancy, the French philosopher. Sadie Plant, author of Zeroes + Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture, has now translated Labyrinth into English. The starting point for this transcript of four lectures is a public art work that Olaf Nicolai installed in Paris in 1998. By exploring and combining a broad spectrum of topics that relate to the theme of the labyrinth, this book serves as both, a reference system to Nicolai's work as well as an independent source book dealing with labyrinthian matter ranging from the minotaur to the floorplans of IKEA. Published in collaboration with Rollo Press.
"A wonderfully entertaining read from beginning to end, Twin Reflections by Elizabeth R. Joseph is particularly impressive when considering that it is debut effort of a fourteen year old writer.
The symbolism went beyond the maze at New Harmony to include a little temple at the center. ... The reasons that mazes went out of fashion are not clear. ... Nineteenth-century adult social protest novels, such as Black Beauty and ...
Discover the use of the labyrinth as a spiritual tool -- used throughout the centuries in many different cultures -- to find meditation, focus, peace, and wholeness.
The Secret Path
Diana Ng, like most people, wants peace and possibilities in today's frantic world.
Welcome to the second novel in the Chuck Farris Play-Station2 action and adventure series!
... laberinto con algo que no es ab- solutamente tal » . La prefiguración literaria del laberinto en Babilonia la hemos ... caminos conducen a un reducto circular en forma de vaso de sa- crificio , donde moran las almas purgantes . Luego , 170.
Previous edition: New York: Sterling, 2001.
The story of fair Rosamond's Bower is one which will leap to the mind in this connection.
Investigate the extraordinary story of labyrinths and mazes, found around the world in an amazing variety of forms, many of which are still flourishing today.