This book reflects on debates among historians of science, medicine and technology as well as Islamicate societies about fundamental questions of how we think and write about the intellec-tual and technological past in cultures to which we do not belong any longer or never were a member of. These debates are occasioned by the manner in which amateurs have taken bits and pieces from our academic narratives and those of our predecessors, stripped them of their richness in detail and their often agonizing efforts to interpret these details, and rearranged them in simplifying and often misguided fashion as outdated stories about glory, success, pri-ority and progress. Our texts are accompanied by reflections of professional curators and mu-seum directors about the difficulties of translating academic research into representations that attract different groups of visitors. They are followed by experiences in northern Europe with Islamophobic adversaries of any narrative about Muslim contributions to the sciences, medi-cine and technologies, and in one of the Gulf States with alleged reformers of the political, economic and educational landscape of the sheikhdom and their use of such amateurish narra-tives for blocking efforts of critical questioning of such self-congratulatory representations.
The loss of identity and alienation of Indian call centre workers is bemoaned in the liberal British media too ( see Seabrook 2003 ) . 7. A good example is Siddhartha Deb's article published in The Guardian : Weekend in the year 2004.
O “ puro inumano ” passa ao centro de uma nova estética que agora nasce não da tradição retórica da arte como ... se também a famosa frase que Schiller escreveu no final da introdução do seu Wallenstein , “ A vida é séria , a arte é ...
The global village, however, is not the blissful utopia that McLuhan predicted.
Procedury ustalania realności faktu są wszakże – jak przypomina Fish – zawsze konwencjonalne. ... poziomie doświadczenia telewizyjnego zachodzą poważne problemy teoretyczne, jeśli przyjąć perspektywę rozdziału „telewizji” i „życia”.
Cultural Mapping: A Guide to Understanding Place, Community and Continuity
Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia. ———. 1999a. Investigación de Plan Grande, Guanaja, Islas de la Bahía, Honduras: Ideología y Vida Cotidiana en la Frontera de Mesoamérica.
I go to my neighbour's house at 12 noon to watch Sun TV. Before that I'll make sure that I finish my entire household work and cooking. My husband comes at 1 p.m. from work for lunch When Sun TV shows news, at that time I come home, ...
gone " into business " with a local coffee landowner . He works hard for his association with the village . Another resident has fallen in love with a Miloli'i man who is married in Honolulu and is getting a socialization that cannot be ...
Die Macht des Lokalen in einer Welt ohne Grenzen
The fully updated second edition of this lively and accessible book argues for the central role of media in understanding globalization.