"In 1999 I did a book called Go-Sees where girls came knocking on my door over a one-year period to show their portfolio and themselves. Recently, walking through Paris, I found myself thinking what work I would exhibit in my upcoming museum show in Naples. Handbags, I'm just gonna do a handbag book and a show. It felt like another Go-Sees book to me. Friends of my girlfriend were asking me what kind of a photographer I am, what I photograph. I replied: 'Actually, come to think of it, mostly handbags.' I always like their astonished and disappointed faces! I realized through the 30 years of my career, I photographed a hell of a lot of handbags within my fashion work. And as the Americans once said to me, 'Where's the money shot?' I looked at them puzzled. 'Show me the money shot!' they repeated. Here they are: the money shots in this collection of images for my new book." Juergen Teller
We welcome any suggestions or comments , and I invite you to write to us at the address below . Karen Solem Editor - in - Chief Silhouette Books P.O. Box 769 New York , N.Y. 10019 ELIZABETH HUNTER Written in the Stars Silhouette Romance ...
Urban Legend
Von 30 cm Großformat für 49,80 auf Normalformat verkleinerte Sonderausgabe des Bildbands "Kate" (ID 51/95), in dem das "Super-Model" K. Moss von bekannten Fotografinnen und Fotografen gekonnt in Szene gesetzt wird.
This book is the work of two Kiwi photographers - Karen Inderbitzen-Waller and Delphine Avril Planqueel - and the faces they have held their lens to.
En 1975, différentes institutions publiques faisaient l'acquisition de ce fonds photographique. Tout ce qui avait trait à la mode - un trésor de 60 000 négatifs et leur tirage - a été acquis par la Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Spanning 20 years, the book traces Roberts' changing vision of a sensual and ambiguous environment.
The first monograph from iconic London-based fashion photographer Aldridge is an excellent collection of thought-provoking, color-soaked images that will likely stay with the reader long after they've closed the book.
Kate Moss is one of the newest of the supermodels.
Mario Testino - Out of Fashion
By exploring vintage garments, modernist architecture and the work of their favorite photographers, the founders strove to find their own personal form of expression.