Ideas about elements of printing, both technical and aesthetic, told in an amusing manner.
Rhyme and Reason
... cause the 9+ the 2=11 & 11+ the 6=17 but 'A' is 1 makin' 1+7+1. . . & right back where we begun... rebirthin'! now ya takin' that trip on Styx or illuminate ya crown... I shock ya 3rd eYe, make ya kundalini tingly til ya 1 with the most ...
... like that I can feel the tide of the Pantha Causes the earth beneath to shake Its paw provided cover The motive—LOVE Not hate Kemet Desert oasis Heavily guarded palaces The Sphinx's face-lift A 31 Rhyme & Reason: Soapbox Confessions Of A ...
RHYTHM, RHYME & REASON, stories and poems to bite the heart
In Rhyme's Reason, a work that has already become a classic text, the distinguished poet and critic John Hollander surveyed the schemes, patterns, and forms of English verse, illustrating each variation with an original and wittily self ...
This book houses a collection of poems that gives the reader an insiders view of the moods, feelings, and thoughts that envelope the author as he bravely traverses through matters of the heart.
Rhyme & Reason: Poems
Music theory book covering the grade two syllabus of the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB).
Writing this book has been a lifetime endeavor but an enjoyable one. When we become born again, we all become ambassadors of Christ. I felt inspired by God’s anointing to develop this work of rhyme and reason.