The Birds Aristophanes - The Birds has long been hailed as one of the finest masterpieces written by Aristophanes (ca. 456 BC ca. 386 BC), the greatest of all classical Athenian comic dramatists. First performed in 414 BC, at the height of the Peloponnesian War, which pitted Athens against Sparta, the play celebrates the extraordinary character of Athens in a manner that is at once robust, lyrical, satiric, and full of ironic resonance. In the play, two Athenians, Pisthetairos and Euelpides, seek to escape the aggressively quarrelsome climate of Athens by hiking up into the mountains to seek advice from the birds about where they might find a more peaceful place to live, a city where they can relax and enjoy life. But once they begin interacting with the birds, the Athenians cannot resist persuading the creatures to organize themselves into a city state, so that they can exert pressure on the gods above and men below in order to gain power over them (for example, by controlling the gods access to human beings). The impromptu scheme escalates, and by the end of the play, Pisthetairos has supplanted the gods and now rules everything, an occasion which they all celebrate by eating a meal of cooked birds. Much of the play is taken up with the bawdy, energetic, and inventive comedy familiar to readers of Aristophanes. But underlying the humor is an ironic exploration of the Athenian character, which is far too restless and acquisitive, far too in love with ambitious scheming and, above all, with language itself, so that it cannot resist taking control of each and every situation.
... Farjon et al (A Field Guide to the Pines of Mexico and Central America, 1997) and Timberlake et al (Field Guide to the Acacias of Zimbabwe, 1999).
... counts: several hundred annually at Stratton I. and at E. Egg Rock, ... 15 Jan 2014 (R. Timberlake, eBird); Reid S.P. (Lower Kennebec R. CBC): 1 on 20 ...
Maltby, E. (1988) Waterlogged Wealth: Why waste the world's wet places? Earthscan, London. ... Timberlake, L. (1985) Africa in Crisis: the causes, ...
... E. and K. M. Wong (eds) (1995–ongoing) Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, FRIM, ... Journal of Biological Education, vol 18, pp293–304 Timberlake J., ...
... E. and K. M. Wong (eds) (1995–ongoing) Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, ... pp293–304 Timberlake J., C. Fagg and R. Barnes (1999) Field Guide to the ...
Frost's meditations: Eudaemonia, the good life: A talk with Martin Seligman. ... 1, 115–135. doi:10.1007/s42413-018-0012-2 Kahneman, D. & Riis, D. (2005).
... section 2, part 2; Texas Water Code, Section 11.085(s)). ... as the “San Antone Hose” and generated a great deal of opposition in the Colorado basin, ...
This is the product access code card for MasteringEnvironmentalScience(tm) with Pearson eText and does not include the actual bound book.
Todd Mark compiled the data on the material at the Muséum National d'Histoire ... Noam Shany provided a great deal of additional information on seabirds.
Details the science behind the Copernican Revolution, the transition from the Earth-centered cosmos to a modern understanding of planetary orbits.