The chimpanzees of Bossou in Guinea, West Africa, form a unique community which displays an exceptional array of tool use behaviors and behavioral adaptations to coexistence with humans. This community of Pan troglodytes verus has contributed more than three decades of data to the field of cultural primatology, especially chimpanzees’ flexible use of stones to crack open nuts and of perishable tools during foraging activities. The book highlights the special contribution of the long-term research at Bossou and more recent studies in surrounding areas, particularly in the Nimba Mountains and the forest of Diécké, to our understanding of wild chimpanzees’ tool use, cognitive development, lithic technology and culture. This compilation of research principally strives to uncover the complexity of the mind and behavioral flexibility of our closest living relatives. This work also reveals the necessity for ongoing efforts to conserve chimpanzees in the region. Chimpanzees have shed more light on our evolutionary origins than any other extant species in the world, yet their numbers in the wild are rapidly declining. In that sense, the Bossou chimpanzees and their neighbors clearly embody an invaluable cultural heritage for humanity as a whole. Readers can enjoy video clips illustrating unique behaviors of Bossou chimpanzees, in an exclusive DVD accompanying the hardcover or at a dedicated website described in the softcover.
With data from field and laboratory studies of more than 90 primate species and of more than 50 years of long-term research, the intellectual breadth represented in this volume makes it a major contribution to comparative cognitive science ...
An introduction to chimpanzee behavior and conservation, synthesizing findings from long-term field studies in the African rainforest belt.
Wild chimpanzees are only found in tropical Africa, where their populations have declined by more than 66% in the last 30 years. This Action Plan focuses on one of the...
An engaging account of the research and key findings on Taï chimpanzees to celebrate the 40th anniversary of this project.
This book on cognitive development in chimpanzees is the first of its kind to focus on infants reared by their own mothers within a natural setting, illustrating various aspects of chimpanzee cognition and the developmental changes ...
Moreover, It would not be easy to find two infants more markedly different in bodily traits, temperament, intelligence, vocalization and their varied expressions in action, than Chim and Panzee. Here are just a few points of contrast.
This book is for anyone interested in current research and theoretical views of great ape cognition.
While demonstrating that both nature and culture play important roles in the behavior of the Pan species, this book affords often astonishing insights into the workings of the individual chimpanzee mind and of chimpanzee and bonobo social ...
Best Practice Guidelines for Reducing the Impact of Commercial Logging on Great Apes in Western Equatorial Africa. ... Report compiled for the African Wildlife Foundation/International Gorilla Conservation Programme, Nairobi.
Translated by H. Briffault . Baltimore , Md .: Johns Hopkins University Press . Law , Robin . 1993. " The ' Amazons ' of Dahomey . " Paideuma 39 : 246– 260 . Leacock , Eleanor . 1993. " Women in Samoan History : A Further Critique of ...