Successful clinical use of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) represents a significant advance in radiation oncology. Because IMRT can deliver high-dose radiation to a target with a reduced dose to the surrounding organs, it can improve the local control rate and reduce toxicities associated with radiation therapy. Since IMRT began being used in the mid-1990s, a large volume of clinical evidence of the advantages of IMRT has been collected. However, treatment planning and quality assurance (QA) of IMRT are complicated and difficult for the clinician and the medical physicist. This book, by authors renowned for their expertise in their fields, provides cumulative clinical evidence and appropriate techniques for IMRT for the clinician and the physicist. Part I deals with the foundations and techniques, history, principles, QA, treatment planning, radiobiology and related aspects of IMRT. Part II covers clinical applications with several case studies, describing contouring and dose distribution with clinical results along with descriptions of indications and a review of clinical evidence for each tumor site. The information presented in this book serves as a valuable resource for the practicing clinician and physicist.
Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation , 3rd ed . Philadelphia : Lippincott - Raven , 1998 : 107-182 , with permission . ) FIGURE 3-15 . Submental lymph node . CT scan in a patient with cancer after right radical neck dissection ...
Spence AM , Muzi M , Graham MM , et al . 2 - [ ( 18 ) F ] Fluoro - 2deoxyglucose ... Sato N , Suzuki M , Kuwata N , et al . Evaluation of the malignancy of glioma ... Valk PE , Mathis CA , Prados MD , et al . Hypoxia in human gliomas ...
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
For the last ten years, clinicians and scientists at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have been involved in the development and implementation of IMRT. This is an account of their perspective,...
The achievements and future directions in the field are grouped in the three sections of the book, each suitable for supporting a teaching course.
This book documents the evolution of this technology over 35 years to the current level of volumetric arc modulated therapy (VMAT).
... Eisenberger MA, Chan DW, Pearson JD, Walsh PC. Natural history of progression after PSA elevation following radical prostatectomy. JAMA 1999;281(17):1591–1597. Bolla M, Collette L, Blank L, et al. Long-term results with immediate ...