This is thriller writing at its absolute best where the stakes have never been higher, nor the line between good and evil so hard to discern.
A Study in the Psychology of Artistic Imagination Anton Ehrenzweig. so reveals the hidden order in the unconscious . Clinical work knows little about how creative sublimation works , because it is mainly concerned with interpreting and ...
David Friedman has never taken an economics class in his life. Sure, he's taught economics at UCLA. Chicago, Tulane, Cornell, and Santa Clara, but don't hold that against him. After...
The father of the field of genetic algorithms, and one of the pioneers of the new science of complexity, Holland has been at the center of the emerging field of...
The author has evolved an altogether new psychology of the artist and the art-work which accounts particularly for the development, significance, possibilities and limitations of modern abstract art.
Nineteenth-century scientist David Starr Jordan built one of the most important fish specimen collections ever seen, until the 1906 San Francisco earthquake shattered his life's work.
(Pazienza 1999: 168) The Masons are only one of the reasonably secret associations used as social capital ... (as long as this trust is repaid)—and the recipient of his trust, his “trustee” (Coleman The Hidden Order of Corruption 142.
Table 2.2 Various theoretical models proposed for the References hidden-order phase in Quadrupole [20, 42, 50, 51] URu2Si2 Orbital AFM [9] Octupole [32] Hexadecapole [23, 34] Modulated spin liquid [47] Unconventional SDW [26] SDW and ...
The Artist's Design: Probing the Hidden Order
Grand Challenges in Design Research for HumanCentered Design Informatics Youn-Kyung Lim, Eli Blevis, and Erik Stolterman ... information and communications technology (ICT), human-centered design, design education, design research, ...