Wine Tasting: la dégustation

Wine Tasting: la dégustation
Wine Tasting
Musée Co.,Ltd
Yoichi Sato, 佐藤陽一


The world of wine is fascinating and deep yet when we try to learn more it can seem daunting. It should be fun and not complicated or mysterious. This book is written for wine lovers from beginners to professionals. It was created to gently assist the reader through all the stages of enjoying wine. The author answers all the "why" questions about wine. The "wonders" are easily explained by a logical and scientific approach. These explanations and illustrations prepare the way so that the reader can smoothly move on to the next level. • Do we need some special talent for wine tasting? -> No. -> Just lots of wine tasting. • Why does sunshine matter? -> Because it is the most important factor in judging the appearance of wine. - > We have to look at the appearance carefully. • How should we describe the age? -> This book offers many examples and sample expressions. The author takes the reader in hand to naturally learn the basic parts of wine tasting and further, to be able to express the taste in "wine" terms. "Scientific approach" might sound a bit serious but it really is not. It simply means a consistent and methodical approach.We overlay our logical explanation with a sensory understanding about wine. This book was very carefully conceived and designed to assist the reader in understanding ideas and what we "feel"; our senses. By displaying color samples, graphic charts and pictures, the author's way of sensing wine’s characteristics are easily understood. This is a truly unique book both because of its approach and its "sensory" focus on tasting wine. * Images of all the various factors that make up the aroma > from herbs to sandalwood. • Charts and graphics - > Sensory and holistic understanding of wine by pictures, illustrations, charts and graphs. • High definition photographs of various famous wines in the glass as they appear in actual wine tasting. -> Proprietary photographic technique used to express the detailed color differences between wines. The author is a world class sommelier representing his country in the "World Best Sommelier Competition". His book offers a totally unique scientific and sensory approach to the study of wine. Produced as an encyclopedic wine handbook suited to repeated reading and viewing.

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