Norm Biale, advocacy coordinator with the American Civil Liberties Union's Technology Opinion poll results show that Americans' willingness to tolerate more Governmental Surveillance Infringes on Rights 33.
"Anyone hoping to understand the sometimes precarious state of privacy in modern America should start by reading this book.
Defining and valuing the right to privacy -- Unfortunately, everyone cannot be trusted to behave well if let alone -- Too much official invasion of privacy harms the public interest -- Civilized life requires the exchange of information to ...
The Right to Privacy
The Poverty of Privacy Rights makes a simple, controversial argument: Poor mothers in America have been deprived of the right to privacy.
"The Right to Privacy" is a law review article written by Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis, and published in the 1890 Harvard Law Review.
The Right to Privacy is based upon the belief that the individual has the right to determine the degree to which he wishes to share of himself with others and has control over the time, place, and circumstances in which he communicates with ...
Justice Douglas said that privacy is one of our “fundamental rights.” “Fundamental right” would become the term the Supreme Court would always come to use to refer to rights like the right to privacy, which are important rights even ...
Yet in this post-9/11 world, personal privacy is more threatened than ever. This book provides students and general readers a comprehensive overview of privacy in contemporary America.
Examines the Fourth Amendment, explaining searches and seizures and the right to privacy.