在基督之后的第八世纪,保罗·迪肯用拉丁文写成的一本历史著作,记叙了离开斯堪的那维亚来到意大利并统治了两个世纪的伦巴德人的故事。 今天,以米兰为首府的地区,伦巴第仍然承载着他们的名字,伦巴德人的土地。这个故事很有趣,虽然法兰克人的征服夺走了快乐结局的滋味。电视和幻想小说,似乎从这些人的兴衰起伏中汲取了不少故事,格里摩多的一生,伦巴德之王,一个人就是一部小说。从离开斯堪的那维亚和名字的传说开始说起。接下来讲述了走向意大利的长征。稍稍跑题,关于圣本笃的两首不重要的诗歌,然后是抵达意大利,半岛的描述,阿尔博因,他的事业,罗莎蒙德和埃尔米奇谋杀阿尔博因。王国无政府状态十年,奥塔里和泰奥多林达,巴伐利亚来的天主教公主,阿吉卢尔夫,泰奥多林达的第二任丈夫,罗塔里国王和他的敕令,罗马法之后的第一部伦巴德人法律,有组织立法的第一个例子。对之后立法权的历史非常重要。接着是格里摩多的非凡冒险,逃离囚禁,阴谋,贝内文托公国和夺得王位。然后是格里摩多击败法兰克和拜占庭,欺骗阿瓦尔人 .... 一位国王接着另一位国王的经过,直至最后一位,利乌特普兰德和他的家族。一个迷人而令人回味的故事,有助于理解今天的意大利南北分割。
A self-made millionaire and a social revolutionary are at odds with each other in a novel set against the background of a nineteenth-century New York streetcar strike.
The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes and...
"17-year-old Molly Ayer, an orphan in foster care, is sent to help take care of a 91-year-old woman in Maine who is an alumni of the so-called orphan trains, which took orphans from the east coast to families in the farmlands of the Midwest ...
Hout, it will just be to get crane-berries, or whortle-berries, or some such stuff, out of the moss, to make the pies and tarts for the feast on Monday. — I cannot get the words of that cankered auld cripple deil's-buckie out o' my head ...
Holmes succeeds Case at Detroit , or more properly in the Thanies country , and even improves on the numbers returned by his successful predecessor ; a great achievement after such a revival . 59. RYAN , like his friend Case ...
Down to that time , and , in some ways , much later , those who were local in name were largely travelling in practice ; so much so as to be , in many cases , the pioneers in breaking up new ground and forming original societies .
曹雪芹编著的《红楼梦(导读版)》以贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗之间的恋爱婚姻悲剧为主线,描写了以贾家为代表的四大家族的兴衰,揭示了封建大家庭的各种错综复杂的矛盾,表现 ...
He held a match close to the bowl of Rubin's pipe , cupping the flame . “ Then why do you do it ? " “ It works best for me that way , Allan . I have arthritis . ” He slanted his eyes left at his pupil . “ Do you ?
sense of stopping . Also to blanch , Nor heav'n peep thro ' the blanket of the dark , To cry bold , hold . Kacbeth , i , B. with reference to the blanchers . But Cibber , in his Lives of the Poets BLANK . The white mark in the centre ...
Explanatory notes identify locations, literary references, persons, events, and specialized terminology. The textual essays describe the production and subsequent revisions of the text.