For a long time it was thought that the Hawaiki to which they referred was one of the Sandwich islands; ... and gave to their island home, just as we have given Old-'World names to Our new homes in these southern seas.
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Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there...
... Sketch ofPolynesian History, Being an Introduction to the Native History ... Lore ofthe Whare-wänanga, or, Teachings ofthe Maori College on Religion ... South Island Maoris', Transactions and Proceedings ofthe New Zealand Institute,Vol.10 ...
If there was a 'compact', as Te Rohe Pōtae leaders later stated, the Crown had been quick to renege on many of its terms.33 ... But Carroll thought Te Kotahitanga was going beyond practical politics and was likely to distract ...
The Voyaging Stars : Secrets of the Pacific Island Navigators . London , Collins . ... A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island , Vols I and II . Wellington , Government Printer .
Land Surveying and the Colonisation of New Zealand Giselle Byrnes. Select bibliography Swahili in the Former Belgian Congo 1880–1938, ... Lines, William J., Taming the Great South Land: A History of the Conquest of Nature in Australia, ...
... The Trust Administration of Maori Reserves, 1840–1913, Waitangi Tribunal, Wellington, 1997 Kelly, Robert, John Kelly, Sealer, Whaler, Trader, Boatman: Piecing Together the Jigsaw of an Early Southland Pioneer, Weranui Publications, ...
... A&R Pioneers: Architects of American Roots Music on Record (Country Music Foundation Press, 2018) 90. 74 Shaw (n 30) 200. The workings of the mechanical royalty set early record producers 184 Olufunmilayo B Arewa and Matt Stahl.
... Experiences Across the World (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014); Breaking the Frames: Anthropological Conundrums (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); and Diaspora, Disasters, and the Cosmos: Rituals and Images (Carolina Academic Press, 2018).
“Two Papers by Franz Boas.” Ètudes/Inuit/ Studies 8(1): 117–20. ———, ed. 1998. Franz Boas among the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883–1884: Journals and Letters. Translated by William Barr. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. ———. 2014.