Книга с мультимедийным курсом, который позволит вам следить за ходом решения задачи на мониторе и при этом слышать разъяснения опытного репетитора. Более 1000 решенных задач!
Those pesky dangling modifiers, split infinitives, and comma splicesthey infect our spoken and written language with such frequency that even native English speakers find it difficult to determine what's right...
This practical guide to the management of emergency situations in everyday clinical practice contains details on how to treat acute medical emergencies and how to provide treatment for the patient while awaiting specialist help.
New edition of the Messenger and de Bruyn, Canadian Writer's Handbook, originally published by Prentice Hall, now edited by Judy Brown and ramona Montagnes. Five sections throughly cover issues of...
Odysseus lost his way, but students shouldn't have to. This delightful companion, written in a lively narrative style and full of fresh insights and interpretations, offers teachers a wealth of...
Himiya kazhetsya vam slozhnym i neponyatnym predmetom? Vy ne znaete, kak reshat himicheskie zadachi, sostavlyat uravneniya reaktsij, stroit formuly? Repetitor po himii, kotoryj vy derzhite v rukah, pomozhet reshit eti...
Describes 250 occupations which cover approximately 107 million jobs.
Taking a clear, concise approach to money management, the Dorling Kindersley Essential Finance series provides a practical and impartial resource to guide you through important financial decisions. Useful questionnaires pinpoint...
This guide brings the principles of fundraising into focus and clearly illustrates 25 proven techniques you can put to work for your library today. Matching donors with funding opportunities, conducting...
Winner of the coveted Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Gold Award for Guidebooks 2002 and voted Best Travel Book of 2001 by the North American Travel Journalists Association, the first edition...
In order to understand and formulate housing policy and programs, it is necessary to have a working knowledge of the internal economic operation of housing from the points of...