Seorang lady bercelana panjang pria tiba-tiba mengarahkan senapan ke arah Munro “Bear” MacLawry saat ia sedang berburu. Ia tak tahu apakah harus tersinggung atau terpesona karena biasanya kaum wanita justru bertekuk lutut padanya. Wanita unik itu adalah Catriona MacColl, dari klan MacDonald, yang kabur ke Highlands bersama sang adik, menyembunyikan diri dari pernikahan yang tidak mereka inginkan. Munro jelas tak bisa menelantarkan gadis itu---terutama ketika Cat terasa sangat tepat di pelukannya. Tetapi, klan MacDonald sudah menyiapkan rencana untuk masa depan Cat, yang tidak melibatkan klan MacLawry. Munro jelas tak ingin kehilangan satu-satunya kesempatan dirinya bersama wanita yang ia impikan selama ini. Apa pun akan ia lakukan untuk mempertahankan Cat, meski itu berarti ia memulai perang antarklan.
The Historical Romance explores the ways in which romance authors seek to represent our fantasies of life in the past.
Forced into a marriage of convenience with Evan Sterling, the Duke of Rothschild, to save her sister, American heiress August Crenshaw pulls every stunt in the book to make him call off the wedding.
Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an "outlander"—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of our Lord...1743.
Includes a preview of Outrageous, the next novel in the Rebels of the Ton series (pages [371]-374).
In order for this marriage to work, Simon must unfreeze Ariane's heart and teach her passion, while Ariane must believe in and trust Simon.
"My Runaway Heart enthralls readers with its charming characters and their exciting escapades. From ballrooms to sea battles, this is a winning read!" - Romantic Times “Five stars . . . should be at the top of your shopping list!
From nationally acclaimed bestselling author Laura Kinsale comes a boldly original, breathlessly unforgettable tale of honour, adventure and undying love.
Generations ago, the Aincourt family was given a title and land for their loyalty to the king.
Goodman holds the suspense as well as the surprises and never lets up on the passion.” ~RT Book Reviews “Goodman is a thoughtful and intelligent writer who can make her characters live and breathe on the page.” ~All About Romance “A ...
But his life is tainted with darkness, too. With society's eyes upon them, will they ever be able to shake off the secrets that once lurked behind locked doors?