“Aku melihat anak itu mati … dicekik, di kuda sana.” Billy, seorang pemuda dengan gangguan kejiwaan, datang ke kantor Cormoran Strike untuk meminta bantuan Strike menyelidiki kejahatan yang dilihatnya semasa kecil. Walaupun Billy jelas-jelas sakit parah, ada kesan tulus pada dirinya dan cerita yang dia sampaikan sehingga membuat Strike resah. Namun, sebelum Strike sempat menanyainya lebih jauh, Billy kabur dengan panik dari kantornya. Untuk membuktikan kebenaran cerita Billy, Strike dan Robin Ellacott—dulu asistennya, kini partner di biro detektifnya—menyusuri jalur berkelok-kelok yang membawa mereka dari jalanan London, masuk ke jantung Parlemen, hingga ke rumah megah yang indah namun mencurigakan jauh di pedalaman. Sementara penyelidikan berjalan, kehidupan pribadi Strike tak kalah berliku: sebagai detektif terkenal dia tidak lagi bisa bekerja sembunyisembunyi. Hubungannya dengan partnernya pun kian rumit—Robin telah menjadi bagian penting dalam bisnisnya, tapi hubungan mereka kini memasuki ranah yang benar-benar pelik... Novel Robert Galbraith yang paling epik, Lethal White merupakan cerita misteri menegangkan yang menghadirkan kelanjutan kisah Cormoran Strike dan Robin Ellacott.
Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION You will always have a home at Hogwarts. The 20th Anniversary Edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Let J.K. Rowling's classic saga take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
She was Lindsay Frost, and she'd been in Madison's class since first grade, but Madison rarely noticed her. The only time Lindsay spoke ...
She was Lindsay Frost, and she'd been in Madison's class since first grade, but Madison rarely noticed her. The only time Lindsay spoke out in class was to ...
Laura D. Lewis, Lewis Brech ... and Jack Frost was mischievous enough to nip his nose and ears if he undertook the long journey while the Frost King reigned ...
Fiona laughed. “I thought you'd wish that Dan would like you back.” Lindsay's eyes bugged out. “Dan?” Mrs. Frost asked. “Who's Dan?” Lindsay froze.
Such a light frost will only make it dry faster when it's cut. But I'd better get a hustle on, for it won't be long now till it's too late to make hay.
Madison told Fiona she'd check with her dad about changing the plans. ... Fiona's soccer buddy, Daisy Espinoza; and, of course, Lindsay Frost, who was.
Mrs. Frost asked . ... Mrs. Frost grabbed her daughter's hands . ... Madison noticed how Mrs. Frost just stood there as if she'd been socked in the jaw .
Can Maddie follow her heart this Valentine’s Day?