Bagaimana karya-karya itu bertahan, sementara kebanyakan buku, film, lagu, video game, dan karya-karya kreatif lain dengan cepat menghilang setelah kesuksesan awalnya? Bagaimana kita bisa menciptakan dan memasarkan karya kreatif yang abadi dan terus dicari? Ryan Holiday menyarikan pengalaman kerja samanya yang kaya dengan pelaku bisnis dan pencipta karya besar, seperti Google, American Apparel, dan John Grisham, juga wawancaranya dengan otak kreatif di balik karya-karya yang tak lekang zaman, untuk memberikan jawabannya. Contoh-contoh menarik yang disampaikannya mencakup: ¥ Rick Rubin, produser Adele, Jay-Z, dan Red Hot Chili Peppers, yang mengajari para artisnya untuk mengabaikan pemikiran jangka pendek serta mendasarkan karya mereka dalam inspirasi jangka panjang. ¥ Tim Ferriss, yang buku-bukunya terjual jutaan eksemplar, sebagian karena tanpa kenal lelah dia menguji setiap bagian karyanya untuk mencaritahu mana yang menghasilkan respons terbesar. ¥ Harper Lee, yang mengubah naskah yang berantakan menjadi karya klasik To Kill a Mockingbird dengan bantuan editor dan masukan yang tepat. ¥ Winston Churchill, Stefan Zweig, dan Lady Gaga, yang masing-masing mempelajari prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam membangun basis pendukung yang berdedikasi dan setia.
Forget the rest of the books written by pretenders. This is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to professionally write a great nonfiction book.
You can be one of those people. Learn how to make your emails work for you rather than against you with this short, practical guide.
Offers planting plans and plant descriptions to maximize the effects of color in a perennial garden
An inspired gathering of religious writings that reveals the "divine reality" common to all faiths, collected by Aldous Huxley "The Perennial Philosophy," Aldous Huxley writes, "may be found among the traditional lore of peoples in every ...
ers of white, pink and rose on the same plant. Catalogs suggest cold hardiness to ... 'lady Granville' bears white flowers with raspberry markings and a red center. ... Selected by Dr. Roger Uhinger at the University of Northern Iowa.
In this book they generously share both their passion and their knowledge about garden design.
Need to know how to divide your sedum or when to cut back your lavender? It's all in the book's Plant-by-Plant Perennial Guide, drawn from Ondra's personal experience growing each perennial.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary and analysis of the book and not the original book.
The title says it all-- there really are perennials for all of your gardening sites and needs. Whether you have a shady spot or want a plant that attracts birds,...
In Suspect Terrain is the second book in a series on geology and geologists, presenting a cross section of North America along the fortieth parallel, and gathered under the overall title Annals of the Former World.