REDD+ must be transformational. REDD+ requires broad institutional and governance reforms, such as tenure, decentralisation, and corruption control. These reforms will enable departures from business as usual, and involve communities and forest users in making and implementing policies that a ect them. Policies must go beyond forestry. REDD+ strategies must include policies outside the forestry sector narrowly de ned, such as agriculture and energy, and better coordinate across sectors to deal with non-forest drivers of deforestation and degradation. Performance-based payments are key, yet limited. Payments based on performance directly incentivise and compensate forest owners and users. But schemes such as payments for environmental services (PES) depend on conditions, such as secure tenure, solid carbon data and transparent governance, that are often lacking and take time to change. This constraint reinforces the need for broad institutional and policy reforms. We must learn from the past. Many approaches to REDD+ now being considered are similar to previous e orts to conserve and better manage forests, often with limited success. Taking on board lessons learned from past experience will improve the prospects of REDD+ e ectiveness. National circumstances and uncertainty must be factored in. Di erent country contexts will create a variety of REDD+ models with di erent institutional and policy mixes. Uncertainties about the shape of the future global REDD+ system, national readiness and political consensus require exibility and a phased approach to REDD+ implementation.
A comprehensive introduction to a most important and topical subject, this book brings the world of weather and climate alive on a breathtaking scale, from tiny ice crystals to vast polar landscapes.
Historic and Projected Impacts of Climate Change on the COASTAL Climatic Zone of the Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast:...
Historic and Projected Impacts of Climate Change on the WESTERN Climatic Zone of the Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast...
Historic and Projected Impacts of Climate Change on the CENTRAL Climatic Zone of the Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast...
Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast Regional Climate Change Project: Analysis of Past Trends and Future Projections of Climate Change...
Case Study 3 - Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Bushfire Risk in the Hunter, Lower North Coast and Central...
In this collection of adventure stories and restored period photos, authors Paul Andrew Mayewski and Michael Cope Morrison tell their personal experiences going to some of the Earth's most remote and challenging places, the scientific ...
Frost Frost develops when it's cold enough for water vapor near the ground to condense onto objects as ice instead of dew . If the ground itself is chilled to below freezing , ground frost forms . When the air above the ground is below ...
1. Introduction -- 1.1. Background -- 1.2. Recent research into securing Broken Hill's water supply and identifying significant water savings -- 2. Regional setting -- 2.1. Study area -- 2.2. Darling River and floodplain hydrology -- 2.3.
"The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and water management agencies representing the seven Colorado River Basin States initiated the Colorado River Basin Study in January 2010 to evaluate the resiliency of the Colorado River system over the next ...