Tahukah Anda, ada satu masjid yang jika melaksanakan shalat di dalamnya sekarang, Anda akan diseret keluar? Pernahkah Anda berkunjung ke masjid yang di setiap sudutnya kini telah dipenuhi perangkat gereja dan patung-patung yang tergantung hampir di seluruh dindingnya? Inginkah Anda menikmati syahdunya bacaan tartil sang imam masjid yang membuat seluruh tubuh terasa gemetar? Buku ini menyajikan sebuah pendekatan berbeda dalam menerangkan hal-hal seputar shalat. Di samping menguraikan hukum, tata cara, dan hikmah shalat secara ringkas, digambarkan pula beragam pengalaman pelaksanaan shalat di berbagai masjid di penjuru dunia. Inilah sebuah karya populer tentang shalat dengan gambaran yang begitu hidup dan nyata, yang akan membuka wawasan dan pemahaman kita tentang praktik shalat di berbagai belahan dunia. [Mizan Publishing, Pustaka, Mizania, Ibadah, Shalat, Kisah, Islam, Muslim, Indonesia]
After just a year or so, my father saw several lots for sale in the small village of Timberlake, Ohio, just thirty minutes from Cleveland.
“Barack Obama,” “Hillary Clinton,” “Britney Spears,” and “Justin Timberlake” found their places somewhat to the left of the really, really good “Teresa” and ...
... Gregory Pritchard, Robert Clarke and Donald Wester of philosophy; from the religion faculty, James Timberlake, Rowena Strickland, Dan Holcomb, ...
walked over the frost-brittled grass, my long skirt swishing it dryly. I'd come to weep below the willows, to let the sound of the stream carry my lament ...
Frost, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost. The Good Witch's Bible. 7th ed. ... Gordon, Lynn D., ed. Gender and Higher Education in the Progressive Era.
Kenneth S. Todd. Reasons. to. Obey. God. Let's discuss four reasons why we should obey God. The first two deal with how we personally deal with God.
God's word is clear about the importance of godly friendships. This edition shows men how valuable those friendships are to spiritual growth.
In 2011, Thom S. Rainer published some research project results in a volume ... projecting the top challenging issue they deal with in bicultural settings ...
" Based on Pearson's 48-hour Management Buckets Workshop Experience, Mastering the Management Buckets offers detailed implementation tools, including 99 practical takeaways that a leader could implement immediately, plus nine management ...
" Based on Pearson's 48-hour Management Buckets Workshop Experience, Mastering the Management Buckets offers detailed implementation tools, including 99 practical takeaways that a leader could implement immediately, plus nine management ...