... vállalatok problémáit (gyenge befektetés-vonzási képesség, rossz pénzügyi helyzet, elavult technológia és infrastruktúra, idejétmúlt szervezés és vezetés) a közeljövőben elengedhetetlenül szükséges ezen vállalatok újjászervezése ...
Romanian Traditions and Customs
The updated fourth edition of the Rough Guide to Romania is the definitive guidebook to one of Europe's most extraordinary nations.
This new edition will find you a room in an unfamiliar town, guide you through the mountains of Transylvania, or take you to the wilds of the Danube Delta.
Based in part on chapters from the now out of print ROUGH GUIDE TO EASTERN EUROPE, a travel guide to post-Ceaucescu Romania, which offers practical, cultural, political and historical information...
Ben shu wei lü you zhi nan lei xi lie tu shu,Yi luo ma ni ya wei mu de di,Wei du zhe ti gong quan mian er xiang shi de lü you xin xi.
Inner Light: Photography
This volume's focus is the drive to improve that condition, on the collapse of democracy, and the search by Romania's leaders for strategies to secure the state, to assert the country's independence, and to maintain its territorial ...
Bucharest : Council for Coordination , Strategy , and Economic Reform , 1995 . " Economic and Social Reform in Romania . " Bucharest : Council for Coordination , Strategy , and Economic Reform , August 1995 . " The Privatization Program ...
Creatorii şi deţinătorii de documente care fac parte din Fondul Arhivistic Naţional au obligaţia de a înfiinţa compartimente de arhivă în funcţie de valoarea şi cantitatea acestora. Desemnarea personalului însărcinat cu atribuţii de ...
Aged eighteen, Tessa Dunlop went to post-Revolutionary Romania to work in an orphanage - to do something remarkable to help her get into Oxford.