Abarca temas que por lo general se asocian con álgebra intermedia y álgebra universitaria.
From fractions to FOIL and everything in between, this guide will help you grasp the fundamental concepts you'll use in every other math class you'll ever take.
This is Volume II of a two-volume introductory text in classical algebra. The text moves methodically with numerous examples and details so that readers with some basic knowledge of algebra can read it without difficulty.
This book is about algebra. This is a very old science and its gems have lost their charm for us through everyday use. We have tried in this book to refresh them for you. The main part of the book is made up of problems.
The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses.
Real World Algebra explains this process in an easy to understand format using cartoons and drawings. This makes self-learning easy for both the student and any teacher who never did quite understand algebra. Solutions included.
Form and Function William G. McCallum, Eric Connally, Deborah Hughes-Hallett ... Write an expression for the total number of coins if you change your quarters into nickels and your dimes into pennies. The area, in cm2, of glass used in ...
Boo! There is a mystery behind every door of the creepy haunted house.
Engineers and computer scientists who need a basic understanding of algebra will benefit from this accessible book. The sixth edition includes many carefully worked examples and proofs to guide them through abstract algebra successfully.
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Together, the two books give the reader a global view of algebra and its role in mathematics as a whole.