... both of whom kindly read portions of the book and offered their wise counsel ; Jim Carlton , who opened up a new avenue of reporting for me ; and Carrie Dolan , Marilyn Chase , and Peter Waldman , who generously lent me their ears .
FROM THE PRODUCERS, WRITERS, AND ARTISTS OF THE HIT TV SHOW! overseen by series creator LOREN BOUCHARD. Collecting issues 1-4 of the ongoing series along with all of the covers and pin-up art!
Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory, Practice, Policy: 10th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference: Lancaster University Management...
本书收录包括古琦、福特、沃森、雷石东在内的著名家庭的故事,揭露家族企业的惊人内幕,讲述小小的内部纷争是如何威胁一个企业的生存。并深入洞悉董事会权利之争、家族继承及 ...
Donnelly , Robert G. “ The Family Business . ” Harvard Business Review , July - August 1964 . Dumas , Collette . ... Fisher , Roger and Ury , William . Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In . Penguin , 1981 .
When Megan's boyfriend raids her father's corporation, he destroys her family's reputation and their fortune.
Every Family's Business: 12 Common Sense Questions to Protect Your Wealth
He knows what works and what doesn't. He understands business decisions that build families--and those that destroy them. This is planning at the nexus of business and family. Owning a business is not for the faint of heart.