Persaingan pasar perusahaan/industri semakin kompetitif, terlebih lagi karena meningkatnya jumlah perusahaan/industri, kualitas sumber daya manusia, teknologi dan persaingan global, sehingga perusahaan dituntut untuk lebih pintar dalam meningkatkan daya saingnya. Permasalahan dalam persaingan sektor industri di Indonesia terlihat dari jumlah perusahaan/ industri di Indonesia yang terus bertambah setiap tahunnya. Di samping lemahnya daya saing perusahaan/ industri yang terus terjadi karena pertambahan jumlah perusahaan yang ada, industri di Indonesia juga mengalami penurunan nilai produksi setiap tahunnya. Hal ini menyebabkan menurunnya kinerja perusahaan/ industri di Indonesia. Kondisi ini cukup memprihatinkan mengingat industri adalah salah satu kontributor utama bagi pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Terlihat dari konstribusinya terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia yang pada 2018 menyumbang sebesar 10,56%, menempatkannya sebagai sektor yang memberikan kontribusi tertinggi ke-4 di Indonesia setelah industri, pertanian, dan perdagangan (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2020). Oleh karenanya, diperlukan pemecahan masalah atau strategi yang dapat meningkatkan nilai produksi dan juga produktivitas dari perusahaan jasa konstruksi di Indonesia, hal ini perlu berfokus kepada dua hal penting yaitu pengurangan biaya atau efisiensi dan peningkatkan output hasil produksi atau efektivitas.
Argues that sustainable competitive advantage can no longer be the Holy Grail for companies due to a constantly changing environment, and offers a new set of principles for winning in a volatile and uncertain marketplace.
Explains how a business of any size can identify its competitive advantages and transform them into a powerful opportunity in the battle for market share, demonstrating how an emphasis on the products or services in which a company excells ...
Michael E. Porter unravels the rules that govern competition and turns them into powerful analytical tools to help management interpret market signals, forecast the direction of industry development, and position...
include such successful pairings as British Airways and Hertz, Adidas and the New Zealand Rugby Union, Starbucks Coffee and Barnes & Noble Bookstores, and Kellogg's Cereals and Walt Disney. There are a number of operational benefits ...
In this lively, accessible guide, Ram Charan, bestselling author and advisor to some of the world's top CEOs, dissects the changing nature of competitive advantage, illustrating what it takes for companies--old and new alike--to compete ...
In The Ultimate Competitive Advantage, FranklinCovey experts Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass lay out the steps leaders can take to tap into their companies' most valuable and unique resource: people.
Hundreds of cluster initiatives have flourished throughout the world. In an era of intensifying global competition, this pathbreaking book on the new wealth of nations has become the standard by which all future work must be measured.
Roger Martin argues that to innovate and win, companies need 'design thinking'.
This book represents one of the very few must buys in business and management.
In The True Competitive Advantage, Dan Silvert draws on his expertise as an executive coach and strategic advisor to demystify the workplace behaviors of your colleagues through four colorful metaphors-Eagle, Parrot, Dove, and Owl.