◆暢銷書《糖尿病大解密》、《肥胖大解密》的作者傑森.方 (Jason Fung)又一力作。
當BMI大於30時癌症風險開始上升,BMI 大於40 時致死率增加了52%至62%,肝癌的風險甚至達到了452%!
李岳倫 國家衛生研究院癌症研究所 研究員兼學發處副處長
宋晏仁 初日診所院長、前行政院衛生署副署長、台北市政府衛生局局長
周曉慧 預防醫學及抗衰老醫學醫師
歐瀚文 功能醫學科
顏榮郎 顏博士活力診所院長
The authors' own abridgement preserves the hallmark explanatory power of the parent text, helping students to understand not only what happened but why -- so they're never left wondering what's important.
David T. Courtwright , “ Opiate Addiction As a Consequence of the Civil War ... Carey P. McCord , " Scurvy as an Occupational Disease : Scurvy in the World's Armies , ” Journal of Occupational Medicine 13 , no .
臀部肌群──女性肌肉力量的來源! 臀部越強壯,曲線就越美,肌肉越精實 連健身教練都找他請教!世界知名翹臀大師布瑞特‧康崔拉斯 ...
Michael C. Moore, Lynda J. Moore ... 185 , 187 , 192–93 , 195– 96 , 198 , 199 , 243 Borenstein , Benjamin , 5 Botanicals , 169–70 , 237 See also Herbalism Brackbill , Yvonne , 19 Brain Mind Bulletin , 217 Braswell , Charles , 219 Bread ...
44 JUNE E. BLUM his early , influential studies were “ The Epidemiology of Late Life Depression , ” which appeared in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 30 ( 1982 ) : 587–92 ; and , with L. Hyer , “ Depressive Symptoms ...
The statistician Duffy succinctly points out a simple but major problem: The Ledermann proposition, however formulated, is false, not only on account of shortcomings in parameter estimation and data sets adduced in support, etc., ...
Brandt, No Magic Bullet, pp. 36–37. 87. Ibid., p. 38; Klaasen and Flaminio, Celebrating, pp. 3–5. 88. William F. Snow, “Progress, 1900–1915,” Social Hygiene 2 (1916): 37–47 (quotation on p. 37). 89. Brandt, No Magic Bullet, p. 41. 90.
This book examines this deadly social issue through these case studies highlighting 13 different countries from around the world.
Biddlecom , Ann E. , and Bolaji M. Fapohunda . “ Covert Contraceptive Use : Prevalence , Motivations , and Consequences . ” Studies in Family Planning 29 ( 1998 ) : 360–732 . Biddlecom , Ann E. , John B. Casterline , and Aurora E. Perez ...
Robbins L , Allegrante JP , Paget SA . Adapting the systemic lupus erythematosus self - help ( SLESH ) for Latino SLE patients . Arthritis Care Res 1993 ; 6 : 97–103 . 18. Horton R , Steiner - Grossman P. Lupus Line Leader's Manual : A ...