.林子倫 國立台灣大學政治學系 副教授
.許晃雄 中央研究院人為氣候變遷中心執行長
.詹順貴 前環保署副署長暨環境律師
.威爾.麥卡拉姆(Will McCallum) 英國綠色和平組織海洋專案負責人
.克莉絲緹亞娜.菲格雷斯(Christiana Figueres) 《我們可以選擇的未來》作者
.傑米.馬格林(Jamie Margolin) 「零時」創辦人
.貝拉.拉克(Bella Lack) 保育家與環境行動主義者
.艾莉絲.羅伯茲(Alice Roberts) 《幾乎不可能的事件造就了生命》作者
.梅根.麥庫賓(Megan McCubbin) BBC節目《守望春天》主持人
.迪佩希.恰克拉巴帝(Dipesh Chakrabarty) 《行星時代氣候史》作者
.彼得.謝高爾(Peter C. Kjærgaard) 哥本哈根大學丹麥自然歷史博物館主任
.羅傑.海菲爾德(Roger Highfield) 科學博物館集團科學部主任
.芭黎絲.李斯(Paris Lees) 英國版《時尚》作家
.珍妮佛.摩根(Jennifer Morgan) 綠色和平全球執行長
Reimann , G. A .; Grandy , J. D .; Eddy , T. L .; Anderson , G. L. In Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management Spectrum '92 ( Proc . ) ; American Nuclear Society , Inc. , La Grange Park , IL , 1992 ; Vol . 2 , pp . 1083-1088 . 3 .
In 1991 , the Spence - Moriarty property ( 37,000 acres adjacent tə the Inberg - Roy ) was purchased . Now administering enough winter habitat , WGFD removed the thirteen miles of elk fence . WGFD sets herd - unit objectives based on ...
A stock solution of PCP was prepared at an elevated pH of 11 with 1 N NaOH to increase the solubility of PCP in the aqueous phase . For the partial chemical oxidation pretreatment by Fenton's Reagent , the ferrous sulfate solution ...
Amy Griffin Monica Mouton Sanders M.Angela Casady Jennifer Smith Burden Tom Luster See also: Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention; Prenatal Decision Making by Adolescents; Sexual Abstinence References and Further Reading Child Trends.
KEY BENEFIT: The first edition of Environment: The Science behind the Stories made the biggest splash of any new entry in environmental science over the past thirty years.
Jackson , P.M. , The Political Economy of Bureaucracy , 1981 , Philip Allan , Oxford . Jacobs , Michael , Environment , Sustainable Development and the Politics of the Future , 1991 , Pluto Press , London . Jordan , Andrew , ' Financing ...
Johanson , R. L. , Imhoff , J. C. , Davis , H. H. , Jr. , Kittle , J. L. , Jr. , and Donigian , A. S. , Jr. , User's Manual for Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN ( HSPF ) . Release No. 8 , EPA - 600 / 3-84-066 , U.S. Environmental ...
A1 commented that Casey is traditionally considered to have lower morale than any other station , because of the tunnel design of the old station ( now superseded and removed ) and because it is the least scenic of the Australian ...
Chapters cover the practical application of pollution and contaminant control technology
The Sustainability Challenge John Snyder, United Nations Environment Programme, International Ecotourism Society. Foreword The rapid growth of tourism over recent decades presents both challenges and opportunities .