打造最療癒的植栽空間,讓暖暖綠意深植你心 近兩年來,植物熱潮方興未艾,或許因為疫情關係,讓大家待在家的時間變長了、更注重居家生活環境,也或許因為科技世代的快速與密集,讓人寧願放慢腳步、感受生命力的逐步茁壯。不論是在哪種時空,植物因本能而生的綠意與新枝,總能使人開心,且療癒人心。 然而植物也是生命,只要是生命就有千百種不同的特性與喜好,植栽初學者經常犯的一個錯誤是「哇,很漂亮!我要買!」的衝動型購物,在不考慮植物特性的情況下帶他回家,並在不適合的環境中種植他,最後必然成為植物殺手。 《植物優先》希望傳遞給讀者的觀念是── 以植物的需求條件為優先,為居家挑選最適合的植物,讓植物和人都能感到療癒,才是植栽療癒人心的真正使命。 本書將協助初學者處理第一要務:環境因素,找到最適合你的植物伴侶。並詳盡介紹64種植物的生長特性和栽種環境,從常見的多肉植物、超人氣的鹿角蕨和空氣鳳梨,到珍稀罕見的塊根植物一應具足,也會介紹栽種的容器及居家布置的技巧和工具,並公開多名植物達人的綠活空間,不論是初學者、曾經的黑手指或是有經驗的綠手指,都能在本書中得到充足的資訊,感受植栽的魅力,一起創造與綠意共生的優植生活。 創造優植生活的極簡四步驟: .檢視居家環境適合栽種哪一種植物 .從挑選好養的植物開始 .掌握植物生存三要素:陽光、空氣、水 .視草如親,每天細心觀察植栽的變化 名家推薦 Carol|微醺記憶 主理人 Dora|苜一植栽 主理人 苔 哥|微境品主理人 龜背芋與她們的產地 觀葉什物aka我是一個臭植男 一植入魂、優植推薦!(依姓名筆劃排序)
... and then with a string of “ Frost last night ” type of notes . ... cream soda after she'd done some shopping and I'd browsed through the comic books .
With this latest addition to the Expert series, readers get the information needed to choose the plants that best suit their garden's fertility and available space.
F. verticillata features delicate, bell-shaped flowers hanging from 2-foot-tall stalks; the pale yellow flowers have ... Color(s)—Purple checkered, orange, yellow, white Peak Season—Spring to early summer Mature Size (H x W)—Varies from ...
Aurinia ) saxatile Golden bell see Forsythia suspensa Golden club see Orontium aquaticum Golden hop see Humulus lupulus ... 273 Halesiu monticola 163 X Halimiocistus wintonensis 234 Hamamelis 153 H. Xiter1edia 163 , 277 , 297 H. X i .
Bell's Seedling ' which has bright cherry - red fruits and G. 11. ... strap - like petals chiefly in shades of yellow , although some cultivars have darker flowers : H. X intermediu ' Ruby Glow ' has copper - red flowers and H. xi .
Bell's Seedling ' which has cherry - red fruits and G. 11. ... They have small strap - like petals chiefly shades of yellow , although some cultivars have darker flowers : H. X intermedia ' Ruby Glow ' has copper - red flowers and H. xi ...
Successful gardening requires a combination of thorough planning and skilled execution, and this book offers all the creative ideas and practical solutions you need to help you make the most...
... beefsteak crackfessian Thessaloniki Indeterminate, red globe 80 Sunscaldicrack resistant bestorturoumaito (OP) FORHOT, DRY curates - Homestead 24 Determinate, medium, red, globe 80 F. A Porter/Porter - Indeterminate, medium, ...
The book details the evolution of the garden from bare paddock to world-class attraction, with its iconic labyrinth, espaliered fruit trees, naturalistic planted beds and curved, clipped lawns.
Attracting Orchard Mason Bees Presently, there is a pollination crisis due to colony collapse disorder (CCD), a serious and mysterious phenomenon that has caused the widespread death of honeybees. Orchard mason bees help fill the void.