Robert Whitman: Playback
One of the most controversial and ironic of twentieth-century modernisms, Dada swept through the arts after the shock of World War I, when poets, painters, filmmakers, and performers joined forces...
A catalog of paintings, reminiscences, and musings of the Irish artist, from the 1950s to 2001. In addition to Sheridan's words and images (sadly, the many illustrations are sometimes too...
Caught in the Act is an exhilarating look at multimedia performance with front-row-center photographs by Dona Ann McAdamns. Her unique vantage is in part due to the enormous respect she...
Histoire Du Spectacle en Europe (1580-1750)
This is the first book-length ethnography of young people and their uses of hip-hop culture. Drawing together historical work on hip hop and rap music as well as four years...
Cineasta, video maker, performer, disegnatrice, scultrice, Joan Jonas (New York, 1936) è considerata una delle figure di riferimento dell'arte americana del secondo dopoguerra. Grande sperimentatrice, Jonas ha al suo attivo...
Since 1999, the Guatemalan performance artist Regina José Galindo (born 1974) has drawn attention to her native country's oppression of women and the poor by activating her body as a...
New York Times critic Michael Kimmelman has called Matthew Barney the most important American artist of his generation. Most known for his epic film series Cremaster Cycle (1994-2002) and Drawing...