★符合SDGs閱讀目標,啟發孩子關心水下生命的環境教育繪本 這是關於海洋汙染的生態冒險故事, 跟著小魚兒一起去看看,湛藍的大海裡多了哪些新成員, 海洋裡發生了什麼事呢? 小魚兒遇到了一條奇怪的魚。 「哈囉」,小魚兒打招呼。 「你一直都這樣孤孤單單的嗎?你的家人呢?」 但是,奇怪的魚沒有回答。 小魚兒決定幫這怪怪魚找到同伴, 海馬說順著海流越過珊瑚礁就能找到了。 一路上,怪怪魚安安靜靜的跟著小魚兒, 他們遇到了被困住的章魚、亂吃東西而肚子痛的海龜…… 猜猜看,小魚兒最後找到怪怪魚的家人了嗎? 那你知道,怪怪魚到底是什麼魚嗎? ★特別附錄:減塑行動一起來 ★游珮芸老師專文導讀 本書特色 ▎海洋動物擬人化 透過小魚兒的視角發現怪怪魚,引起孩子的好奇心及閱讀動機, 「這奇怪的魚到底是什麼魚?」,讀到最後才發現,「喔,原來我們都看過奇怪的魚耶!」 ▎生態冒險故事下的重要訊息 故事及插圖生動可愛,小魚兒和動物朋友們的對話輕鬆、幽默, 沒有嚴肅的知識和討論,適合學齡前及低年級的孩子閱讀, 透過故事引導他們思考海洋廢棄物、海洋汙染相關議題。 【海洋夥伴推薦】 李貞慧 ▎繪本閱讀推廣人 黃佳琳(黃小莫) ▎《海洋台灣:大藍國土紀實》作者 週遭的海洋主理人 ▎海洋生態教育推廣者 廖鴻基 ▎海洋文學作家 賴威任 ▎孩好書屋店主 蘇巧慧 ▎立法委員及水獺媽媽巧巧話節目主持人
Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION You will always have a home at Hogwarts. The 20th Anniversary Edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Let J.K. Rowling's classic saga take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
She was Lindsay Frost, and she'd been in Madison's class since first grade, but Madison rarely noticed her. The only time Lindsay spoke ...
She was Lindsay Frost, and she'd been in Madison's class since first grade, but Madison rarely noticed her. The only time Lindsay spoke out in class was to ...
Laura D. Lewis, Lewis Brech ... and Jack Frost was mischievous enough to nip his nose and ears if he undertook the long journey while the Frost King reigned ...
Fiona laughed. “I thought you'd wish that Dan would like you back.” Lindsay's eyes bugged out. “Dan?” Mrs. Frost asked. “Who's Dan?” Lindsay froze.
Such a light frost will only make it dry faster when it's cut. But I'd better get a hustle on, for it won't be long now till it's too late to make hay.
Madison told Fiona she'd check with her dad about changing the plans. ... Fiona's soccer buddy, Daisy Espinoza; and, of course, Lindsay Frost, who was.
Mrs. Frost asked . ... Mrs. Frost grabbed her daughter's hands . ... Madison noticed how Mrs. Frost just stood there as if she'd been socked in the jaw .
Can Maddie follow her heart this Valentine’s Day?