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Bacon) Atlantis: The Antedeluvian World (I. Donnelly) The Lost Continent (C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne) The Story of Atlantis (W. Scott-Elliot)
This carefully crafted ebook: "THE WEIRD TALES of H. P. Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness, The Call of Cthulhu, The Whisperer in Darkness, The Shunned House, The Outsider, Pickman's Model, The Picture in the House, The Temple…" is ...
A girl who eats dreams, a woman who chooses the apes, and a barbarian hero rendered as a collage. These are just a few of the people readers first...
"This will be the basic tool for researchers studying the 100-year history of science fiction, fantasy, and weird fiction magazines." Reference Books Bulletin
This collection brings together the best of C.S. Lewis's letters, many published for the first time. Arranged in chronological order, this final volume covers the years 1950 - the year...
In The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion internationally acclaimed scholars Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull examine Tolkien's masterpiece chapter by chapter, offering expert insights into its evolution,...
Once upon a time all literature was fantasy, set in a mythical past when magic existed, animals talked, and the gods took an active hand in earthly affairs. As the...
As one of the three most important American pulp fantasy authors of the 1930s (with Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith), Robert E. Howard captivated readers with his indomitable, battle-scarred barbarian...
Fallen Angel: A Battle Angel Alita Graphic Novel
Meth-heads, man-made monsters, and murderous Neo-Nazis. Blissed out club kids dying at the speed of sound. The un-dead and the very soon-to-be-dead. They're all here, trying to claw their way...